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onderon sith academy

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It'd be a bit too big, I think. I mean, it's kind of a large sub-plot to do well, as far as modding is concerned. And what would you do, like, training-wise? That'd be kinda boring, wouldn't it? Just training a bunch of people? I think it was more a foreshadowing the Exile's plans for the future, as opposed to actual stuff you can do in game.


...But I'm not supposed to try to talk you out of the request. Just giving my 2 cents! :) The functionality though, like I said, might be hard to achieve seeing as there's not really much mechanic for training others, outside of dialog with your party.


Did you have more of a concise idea in mind?

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A re-skin of the interior of the Onderon palace sounds to me like a possible location for the academy.


If the Exile also finds an apprentice among the students, a couple of training quests could be done in which you perform darkside acts while giving advice to your apprentice.


Perhaps the quests could be about hunting down the remaining forces of Sion and Nihilus?


Perhaps a TSL recreation of the Sadow Tomb Test in K1? Where you send your apprentice to a test and after you and your apprentice fight to see if he is worthy of the title of Darth.


Does this sound like good ideas or am i rambling again?

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how about the exile wants to start an academy. So you retexture some building (ex the palace or tomb of fredon nadd) and you do like what mandalore does with finding the mandalorians and you find force sensitives on planets and send them to that academy and it can be like a side quest and tie in what was said above and it vill make a great mod but make it for light side too

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