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Bao-Dur's head model


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This is a request to anyone who can edit head models. Here's my proposition


I have created a mod that gives Bao-Dur the ability to wear heavy armor, and I've found some new clothes for him and modified some stuff and blah blah blah and now his fake arm is gone. It's basically a mod that gives Bao his arm back, and allows him to wear heavy armor. No robes or Jal Shey or flight suits, I'm afraid: that's all hard coded.


But anyway, the critical element to the mod is the head model that I'm using: see, his original head model is higher up than the normal ones, to accommodate his modified body models. Since my mod makes him use the normal body models, the head is now higher up than the neck of the model, meaning it's floating there.


Now, I do have a modified version of his head model that I summoned from the depths of the abyss, essentially. But, since it's not mine, I can't release it with the mod. I'd contact the author, but he/she is MIA in too many ways for me to handle.





SO... basically, what I want is someone to go into Gmax or whatever and make Bao-Dur's head model like the rest of them in the game. After you're done, e-mail me the head and I'll release the mod. You'll obviously get credit for your work, and all will be good.


Any takers?





And, this is what it should look like. This is the other head in action, with my modifications in place.




Pretty cool, hmm? At least I think so. I'm very invested in this getting released, but I need the damn head. So PLEASE, if anyone CAN do it, please step forward. I'm sure it'd be a fairly simple gig, if you have the right knowledge.

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Move it down so it doesn't float anymore. It's a little bulbous too: tweaking it to make it more normal sized would be nice, but that'd be a difficult task so I'm not going to ask someone to do that unless they really want to.

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Well I've worked at this trouble once, my solution was to bulk all the heavy armors. Because scaling the head is possible, but you also have to scale the eyes, teeths and tongue. It work in game with some bad results of proportions and alignment. But I am sure it could be done with much more time than I can give right now and patience.

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