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Originally posted by Griswold:

......speakin of spam..at Monkey Center forum i had 600 posts in 3 weeks



Are you sure you're not Jorgito_Vaderman in disguise? Actually, Jorgito was kinda sweet in a strange kinda way smile.gif I'm sorry but I find it literally impossible at the thought of anyone getting 600 posts in 3weeks- how the hell did you manage that?



<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/disco.gif" border=0>


Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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im not vaderman...ur not the only one who though that....


and what do u mean im not sweet!!! you barly know me


and for the 600 posts..well...i responded everysingle topic..every single post..and this guy..LeChimp..we practicly chated in the one of the topic for like an hour...

but i have change now..im not like that anymore..for real



<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ab6/griswold/q.gif" border=0>

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I'm sure Jojo and The Legend were really happy about that, Gris <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm12.gif" border=0>. I'm kinda puzzled about that one too, I mean there were only 48 members, before Monkey Center went down, so there couldn't have been that many topics to reply to.


Yeah, over at MI Legend, Jorjito managed to get 1300 and benjoyce had 1100 posts in a very brief period (The MI Legend forums haven't been up nearly as long as EscapeMI, so those numbers are rather phenomenal in comparisson to the rest of the members there).


They replied to absolutely everything, and their replies added absolutely nothing to the topic, and in some instances killed it. I wasn't very happy about that, and I think that I may have to lay the "smack-down" when we get back online. I don't want to be mean about it, but I'll definitely be watching out for spammers more carefully.



<A HREF="http://home.dal.net/metallus/index.htm" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=Metallus"" border=0></A>

Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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actully Monkey Center had over 60 members when it came down....and trust me..600 posts in 3 weeks is possible....and i mean...some of it was spam...but alot of it wasnt



<IMG SRC="http://www.angelfire.com/ab6/griswold/q.gif" border=0>

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I'm anti-spam, but I'm defiantly anti-dinghy tongue.gif



<IMG SRC="http://www.frenchyslawns.com/images/logo.gif" border=0>

"Oh, I bet you do you Canadian Paunch"~Sean Connery, SNL


Currently I feel: <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=liquid_water4@hotmail.com&type=1&fg=CC99FF&bg=333399" border=0>


[This message has been edited by Frenchyd (edited November 04, 2001).]

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If the majority of it is spam, well I don't think a person deserves his or her title, depending on what forum it is



<IMG SRC="http://nattsy.homestead.com/files/disco.gif" border=0>


Natty Is Feeling Very <IMG SRC="http://www.imood.com/query.cgi?email=nattydevil@optushome.com.au&type=1&fg=CC33F&bg=66CCFF" border=0> At This Present Time (Note Subject To Change Without Warning!)

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Yes, on MI Legend, there a number of "Really Fearsome Pirates" (the highest non-mod/admin rank <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm13.gif" border=0>) that haven't been around on as long as some of the administrators and mods, and think that they are superior solely because of their post numbers. They know who they are, but they may not know that they are not well-liked by those that run the forum....oh yes, they'll get theirs....mwahahahahahah*cough*!!!



<A HREF="http://home.dal.net/metallus/index.htm" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://members.hostedscripts.com/randomimage.cgi?user=Metallus"" border=0></A>

Metallus is feeling <IMG SRC="http://home.dal.net/metallus/images/art/pooty.gif" border=0>

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Originally posted by Metallus:

Yes, on MI Legend, there a number of "Really Fearsome Pirates" (the highest non-mod/admin rank <IMG SRC="http://www.escapemi.com/forums/smilies/cwm13.gif" border=0>) that haven't been around on as long as some of the administrators and mods, and think that they are superior solely because of their post numbers. They know who they are, but they may not know that they are not well-liked by those that run the forum....oh yes, they'll get theirs....mwahahahahahah*cough*!!!



Please don't hurt me.





<A HREF="http://www24.brinkster.com/festarduckie" TARGET=_blank><IMG SRC="http://baldsheriff.50megs.com/shop.jpg" border=0></A>

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