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Your middle name?

Guest The Feral Chicken

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I got 2 middle names coz I'm speeeecial biggrin.gif


Anne Louise, god I hate the name Louise, I never use it though, like when I have to do stuff and it asks for my middle name I just use Anne. Still it's a lot better than my mum's middle name *smirks then falls over laughing* biggrin.gif




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Budzisz, Petri, and Magellan

(im so cool, i have 3 middle names biggrin.gif)




Well, u know. the trip wasnt really like its showing, i had to make it comic... u know... no one kicked me out... well, just this guy... i mean an army of undead koalas and some evil forces from hell!!!!!!... and this mushroom... well the mushrooms were the evil forces of hell... mushroom, singular... ok forget the koalas... WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE LOOKING AT ME????? KEEP READING THE FORUM, NEVERMIND THIS!!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


[This message has been edited by Al-back from the BigWhoop (edited September 30, 2001).]

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If you promise not to laugh, then I will tell you....................Antonious(it's my dutch grandfathers name).


And Natty, your two middle names are the same as my sisters, cept hers is Anna Louise. Weird huh?





Broken Sword : The Shadow of the Templars - Novel


The Prolouge The Murder The Interrogation The T-Shaped Tool The Sewers Road to Rue Jarry Nico's Apartment


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Originally posted by FestersShinyTop:

Marc with an unusual C at the end.



unusual as "ç" ?





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Double barreleed AND the coolest middle name ever, beat that



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