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GUI Box Move


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Is it possible to move the GUI (attack/gradates and force power) box in middle down to the bottom like in the xbox version.


If yes, could someone do it for me. I'm making a movie so I'd like to get it out of my way...


EDIT: And also remove the HP status bar and the name if you hold the mouse over it.

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I don't know how, but I beleive that it would be easier to attempt to change the first person view mode (Done by pressing the caps lock button) to be changed the 3rd person view, but still allow control of the player in combat, whilst not seeing any of the technical things such as the player name and health. Or, maybe you're suggesting a mod to remove the HUD. Either way, I don't think it's ever been done before, but anything is possible...

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Yeah, well changing the 3rd person view to the 1st person view would be great. But um, that's almost like the free cam. But if that's possible that would be better...


EDIT Isn't it possible and legal to extract the GUI file(s) from the xbox version and replace them in the PC ver.?

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You could always try making the HUD invisible by changing the textures. I've heard of it done, just don't know when, how or where.


That's way beyond my knowledge, but that's also an alternative. To bad I sucks at modding!

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