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Well, I think that you might have rushed a little bit with this chapter too. My advice to you is to maybe slow down a little bit, and before submitting a new chapter, read through it to check for errors and add any detail that you want. That really helps me when I write anything. ;) Just some advice though....


Other than that, I think that you did a good job on this chapter. I do have a question though. Where exactly where Revan and Juhani fighting? Another Sand People Enclave? I don't know if I missed anything...Good chapter though, and keep on writing!

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Well, it's my fifth chapter, and since I was on a roll, I completed most of the sixth, so you won't have to wait too long. Enjoy :)


Chapter 5 - Attack on the City


If you have nothing to lose, than you have nothing to fear...


Revan and Juhani made their way through the desert, using the map Revan got during his search for the Star Maps. It was eerily calm for a planet in the middle of a war, although the war was closer to the city walls, still, they encountered no forms of life, besides the odd bantha, until they got to the enclave...


There were lifeless bodies of Sandpeople everywhere along the outside of the enclave, with a few dead bantha. The auto-turrets were inactive and the front entrance was jammed.

“Revan,” Juhani said, “What has happened here?”

“There’s only one thing which could’ve happened, the Dark Jedi.” Revan ignited his lightsaber and carved a hole in the door. As soon as they entered the foul stench of death hung in the air, multiplied by the heat and enclosed rooms of the enclave.

“Smells like two-hundred year old bantha poo-doo.” Revan said, with his robe covering his nose. They made their way around the enclave, a task made much harder with the inactive doors and dead bodies blocking their path.

“This, this is horrible Revan, how could anyone be this heartless?” Juhani was scared, and Revan could sense it, but he kept it to himself, as they carried on through familiar surroundings. The walls were growing mouldy, a dark black mould covering much of the walls, spreading like a cancer. And it did nothing to help the smell. Juhani fell to her knees.

“Revan, I think I’m going to be sick.” Juhani said.

“Just a little longer Juhani, hold on!” Revan said, holding her hand and trying to get her back to her feet. As soon as she stood up, she threw up, which only made the smell worse.

“I’m sorry Revan.” Juhani said.

“Don’t worry about it, there was nothing you could do about it. Come on, let’s keep going.” Revan helped her to her feet, and they continued.


Soon enough, they reached the main chamber, at the back of the enclave. The Dark Jedi had his back to them, and he lifted up a dead body. Revan recognised it immediately, the Sandpeople leader, he had murdered him.

“Welcome Revan...” his voice was cold and heartless, like the depths of Manaan, “...to the site of your death.”

“Not by a long shot.” Revan and Juhani went into their combat stance, lightsabers ignited, but the Dark Jedi smirked.

“ATTACK!!” he yelled, as Sith appeared from their camouflaged state and attacked. Revan however, being the legendary Jedi he was, sensed them coming, and avoided their attacks, he weaved masterfully under their attacks, picking them off one by one. They were no Dark Jedi, just a group of soldiers, as Revan obliterated them all.

“Is that all you got?” Revan asked. He turned to face the Dark Jedi only to see him holding Juhani in the air, with his hand firmly around her neck, and his lightsaber pointed towards her heart.

“No Revan, I have much more.” He laughed psychotically as he threatened to kill her, but instead stopped short of her heart. Juhani was crying out of fear now, and after a few moments, she passed out.

“Actually, I’d prefer to see her suffer first.” He swung his saber back, but Revan’s reflexes proved more powerful as he dived forward and blocked his strike.

“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into Revan!” He screamed, as they locked blades, “I’m more powerful than you could ever imagine!” he swung again, but once again, Revan’s reflexes proved more useful.

“We shall see.” Revan said as he rolled out of the way and swept at his feet. The Dark Jedi leapt backwards, towards the front of the room.

“I’d love to stay and play Revan, but I have business to take care of. Boys, ATTACK!” Another group un-camouflaged themselves, this time they were Dark Jedi.

Another group appeared behind them, but the Dark Jedi stopped them.

“You guys are coming with me, let’s start a riot, within the city walls.” He once again smirked and they were off, leaving Revan to face the Dark Jedi alone. This time there was five of them, but Revan didn’t care, he needed the exercise.

Revan smirked slightly and lunged at the first one who ran at him, he dodged it, but the Dark Jedi behind him had to take the consequences, being stabbed straight through the heart. Revan rolled underneath the other Dark Jedi’s saber, and sliced him straight down the middle of his body. He parried the third ones attack, and pushed him into a wall with the Force, before frying him with a zap of lightning. His anger was growing intense at how he failed to stop the main Dark Jedi, and he delved into ancient Sith techniques. He jumped to the chair of the enclave leader, and use a forbidden Sith technique, sucking the Force itself out of the remaining enemies, to make his own powers more powerful.

“You won’t get away from me so easily next time.” Revan whispered to himself, as Juhani regained consciousness.

“Revan?” her voice was weak, and sounded as soft as a crying kath hound pup.

“Where am I?” she had short term memory loss.

“You’re at the sand people enclave, and were attacked by a Dark Jedi, remember?” Revan asked.

“Oh yeah, it’s starting to come back now.” Revan helped her to her feet, for the third time in a short space of time.

“Come on Juhani, we have to go back to the city, something terrible is going to happen, very shortly. Are you well enough to travel?” Juhani nodded, and they made their way back through the enclave, now being used to the stench, they quickly exited and ran back to the city, seeing explosions in the distance.

“The war must’ve been re-ignited, bad news for us.” Revan said, they kept running until the city entrance was in site when, all of a sudden, there was a loud explosion from the inside of the city, which knocked Revan and Juhani off their feet, as debris crashed around them.

“That couldn’t be good.” Juhani whispered to Revan. They lifted themselves back to their feet and continued on to the city.

The doors didn’t open, and Revan assumed the door opener was dead, so once again he cut a hole in the door. They stepped through to face people running around crying and screaming, and a large fire off in the distance, they ran towards the smoke to find the Czerka corp. Head office blown up with the remains on fire.

“So much for collecting that bounty.” Revan thought to himself.

“Revan, what do we do now?” Juhani asked. Revan stood there, pondering the situation for a few moments, his thoughts interrupted by another explosion, this time the hunters guild, quickly followed by the destruction of the cantina.

“Juhani, take the ship and fly it to a safe place so our only exit off this rock isn’t blown up, I’ll take care of this myself.”

“But Revan.” Juhani protested.

“GO! You’re in no condition to fight, run.” Juhani nodded, and she ran off towards the Spaceport.

“Looks like it’s just you and me you spineless bastard.” Revan thought, heading off in the direction of the destroyed cantina, it wasn’t as easy as it seemed, with Revan having to deal with disillusioned locals and debris from the destroyed buildings. Unlike the Czerka corp. Offices and the hunting guild, the cantina still remained intact, obviously because of less powerful permacrete detonators. Revan sensed that this was a trap, but continued on to the cantina, remaining faithful to the task Kavar and Zez-Kai Ell had given him.


The cantina was closed off, and a large crowd had gathered in front of it. He looked around the crowd and spotted a dark figure just outside the crowd. He walked towards him, and, as the sun shone in his face, he recognised him, it was the Dark Jedi, and he was counting down.

“3, 2, 1, go...” The Droid part store exploded, with a more deafening sound than the others, Revan looked back to the Dark Jedi, but he was gone.

“Son of a...” Revan ran towards the recently destroyed store, but was cut off by one of the Dark Jedi accompanying the one he was after.

“Nice day for a walk, isn’t it?” He ignited his lightsaber and attacked. Revan tried to dodge, but he underestimated him, expecting him to be as weak as the ones he faced before. He was proven wrong, his left bicep was cut fairly deeply, but before Revan could react there was already another attack coming his way, Revan dodged, this time succeeding, and had a swipe at him which was blocked easily. Revan was caught off-guard, and was tripped to his back. He managed to fight his way back to his feet, but only just. Revan was sweating a lot, and was bleeding profusely from his left bicep.

“The next Dark Jedi are more powerful than me, but I doubt you’ll ever get a chance to witness that. You’re not as tough as they say you are Revan.” He lunged at Revan, but this time it was him doing the underestimating, with Revan sidestepping his attack with ease and stabbing him straight through the chest.

“Looks like you’ve been cut from you’re team.” Revan continued towards the store, little did he know he was being watched from the rooftops, by the Dark Jedi leader himself. He jumped down from his hiding spot and landed right behind Revan. He grabbed him around the neck, and started whispering into his ear.

“Hello again,” He said. “In precisely half a minute, the sandpeople will be barging straight through that door, and everyone will assume it was them, and this city shall tear itself apart, enjoy.” He laughed and leapt away, back to the rooftops. Revan tried to follow where he headed, but wasn’t quick enough.

Ten seconds...

Revan had to think up quick his next plan of attack.

Five seconds...

Time ticked by slowly, and Revan failed to think up anything.

Four, three, two...

“Ah stuff it, I’ll take it as it comes.” he thought.


They were right on time, the sandpeople attacked, the war had just escalated, and Revan was caught in the middle of all of it...


Next chapter out soon. :)

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Well, I told you you wouldn't have to wait very long ;)


Chapter 6 - End of the line


War is inevitable, but you can make a difference, if you try...


The sandpeople quickly set fire to the part of the city, as the inhabitants got ready for battle, people ran towards them with their blaster rifles and vibroswords, and part of the Tatooine army quickly came to help them out. The war had really begun, and only Revan could put an end to it.


“That Dark Jedi, I kill him, and maybe it will end this madness.” Revan moved out of the way of the Sandpeople, and ran into an alleyway. No-one saw him, except another Dark Jedi.


“You beat one, but you’ll never beat me.” He told Revan.


“I highly doubt that.” Revan said in reply. He flipped towards him but ended up face first in the dirt, as his attack was sidestepped, and then he was pushed to the ground. Revan felt the air grow cold around him, any blow now would prove to be fatal. Revan rolled onto his back and flicked dirt into his attacker’s eyes, a dirty tactic, but a necessary one, if he was going to survive. Revan leapt to his feet and decapitated his enemy.


“I thought the first guy said that the next person will be more powerful?” Revan shrugged, and walked through the alleyway. He could hear the sounds of blaster fire and grenade explosions, he tried to let it not get to him, but it brought back memories of his attack on the Star Forge. His head started to hurt, as the memories flooded back, first of the war, and then of Bastila, he collapsed to his knees as he thought about her smile, and how he’d never see it again.

He got back to his feet, and continued through the alleyway, and through the pain, until he reached a dead end, where he jumped over the wall, and fell into a ditch, he followed the long, winding ditch into a forgotten part of the city, the slums. It was a cold, barren place, full of homeless people. The place was overgrowing with vines, the buildings rotten and falling apart, it was a cesspool. The perfect place for a Sith to hide in. Revan continued throughout the slums. There was a dark energy there, and it grew stronger the deeper Revan went. It was evil, like Malachor. Revan’s head stung again as memories of that fateful day on Malachor flooded back to his head. The Academy, had he not have found it, the galaxy would be under Sith rule right now. But it was the dark energies that hurt him inside, he was reliving past events again, on a different planet, ending a war, in n evil place, it was hard for him, but he continued on, following the direction of the dark energy, growing more and more intense as he moved further into the slums, and the pain he felt growing more intense too...

Revan eventually reached the centre of the slums, a giant pyramid-like stairway. Revan sprinted to the top of the pyramid, only to see that there’s nothing there, just a large, flat space. There was something that caught his eyes however. Someone meditating in the middle.


“Do you want some spare change?” Revan asked, assuming it was another homeless person.


“No Revan, I want your blood!” he screamed, and at that instant, Revan knew it was the last of the Dark Jedi who have been attacking him. He stood up, and ignited his blood red lightsaber, a notrast to Revan’s cyan-blue lightsaber. He turned to face Revan. He was obviously not a man, but of a race Revan had never seen before. He had horns like a Trandoshan, dark-blue skin like a Twi’lek, and had a giant scar from just above his right eye, down to his chin.


“What the hell are you?” Revan asked in disbelief.


“I am the dark in which all light dies.” He pushed Revan with the Force to edge of the pyramid, “And I am the dark in which you die!” Revan got to his feet and ran towards him, only for him to sidestep Revan’s attack and for Revan to end up at the other side of the pyramid, hanging off the edge.


“You cannot defeat me Revan, there will be no need for my master to waste his time with the likes of you.” Revan once again scrambled to his feet, and tried his hand at the Force. He tried to fry him with lightning, but he simply absorbed it, and threw it back at Revan, and for the third time, Revan found himself face down in the ground.

“I fail to see how the others did not defeat you.” Revan was growing anger, and the Dark Side stirred within him. He could feel his strength increasing with every blow he took.


“Come on.” Revan mocked him, “Hit me again.” The Dark Jedi again knocked him off his feet. It was growing inside. Revan smirked. “You have no idea what you have just gotten yourself into.” Revan unleashed a wave of the Force and for the first time he knocked over the Dark Jedi.


“Finally Revan, you show something of whatever it was that made you legendary in the first place.” He stood up, “But I’m just getting warmed up.” He lunged at Revan with Revan parrying, locking blades, the red and blue of the two sabers igniting sparks which flew in each other’s eyes. Revan elbowed him in the stomach and flung him to the other side. But he remained upright. Revan’s eyes grew a dark red, as the power inside of him grew darker, it consumed him. He drew on this power and tried to drain the Dark Jedi’s life, but he was immune to it. Revan needed more power.


“That’s it Revan, use it to your advantage, even if it will do you know good in the real world.” Revan hesitated.


“Real world?” Revan thought to himself, but it didn’t matter, he focused his energy into trying to increase his power, he threw himself towards the Dark Jedi, with his attack being blocked, and countered by a swipe to his feet, Revan jumped over the swipe and parried an attack at his neck, throwing in a few jabs with his free arm whenever he could.


“Can you feel it Revan? It grows inside you, and I know whatever I do, it will bring about my end quicker, but it doesn’t matter, you were always going to win. But there is something I forgot to tell you, this was all a diversion, from the real goal.” Revan looked confused.


“What the hell are you talking about?”


“It was never about starting a war, it was about destroying a key planet, Dantooine.” He laughed manically, and Revan looked on worried.


“Before I go,” Revan said, “Feel the power of the Dark Side, when wielded by a legendary Jedi.” He drained him of the Force, and sprinted back to civilisation.

“If what he said was true, then that means everyone’s in trouble.” Revan thought, “Even the funeral...”

The main part of the city was finally not under attack, with the Sandpeople being forced to retreat due to the Tatooine army’s involvement. Revan ran to the spaceport, where Juhani was waiting for him.


“Hello there Revan,” she said, “What did you do since I moved the ship?”


“No time,” take me to the ship and take it back to Dantooine, I’ll explain on the way.” Frantically, Juhani and Revan ran to the Ebon Hawk, which was out in the desert, away from the ravages of the war. They entered the ship, and set a course for Dantooine, to save the planet, and Bastila’s funeral.


They exited the Ebon Hawk, with Juhani now enlightened as to what has happened. At the Dantooine spaceport, which is conveniently right next to the rebuilt Jedi enclave. They were greeted by Kavar, who had heard of their return.


“Thank the Force you’re back Revan.” His voice and eyes were full of despair, and fear, the two things Revan’s never seen in Kavar. “The old Sandral and Matale estates have been blown up, and no-one has found out anything about who the perpetrator is.” Revan stood there thinking for a while.


“There’s still two days until Bastila’s funeral, and I have no plans on cancelling, we have to find out who did it. And I think I know who it.” Kavar leaned forward eagerly. “The Dark Jedi you sent me to Tatooine to stop, he escaped, I’ll fill you in on the details in the meeting room.” They walked to the meeting room, where Revan explained it for a second time to Kavar, Zez-Kai Ell, and anyone else who was standing in the meeting room at that time.


“We have to put the inhabited part of the planet in lockdown, so we can put an end to this threat.” Revan said, and everyone else agreed, and they spent a couple of hours figuring out how they were going to do it...


“None of this is real Revan, wake up and see the truth, about Bastila, about you, about everything you see around you. Is it dream? Or is it reality?”


Revan woke up in the morning sweating like a Kath Hound on a spit, it was one day until the funeral, hopefully they get their man, so they don’t cancel.

Revan got out of his bed, got changed and walked to the meeting room, where Zez-Kai Ell was waiting for him.


“Revan, a couple of our scouts have reported strong, dark energies a little further north of the destroyed Matale estate, and we believe this to be the place where the Dark Jedi is hiding. Now the energies there were strong, so strong in fact, that you are the only one powerful enough to stop him.”


“I planned on going myself, to put an end to this menace once and for all, I shall leave immediately.” Zez-Kai Ell shook hands, and Revan left, heading towards the Matale estate.

Along the way, Revan passed the Sandral estate, which was now just half a building, with the top being just charred remains, and debris still burning around it. He continued on to the Matale estate, which was just a little further down.

The Matale estate, if it can be called an estate anymore, was just burning rocks on the ground, with most of the building in giant chunks up to 100 metres away.


“What an eyesore.” Revan thought to himself. He continued in a northerly direction, with the dark side energies growing stronger. Once again, pain and memories flooded back, but this time he was prepared, and kept his mind focused on the task at hand. There’ll be enough time for reminiscing at tomorrow’s funeral.

Revan finally reached the small hut where the dark side energies flowed from, he went inside to find a body lying lifelessly in the middle. He walked over to the body, and he recognised it as the Dark Jedi he was searching for, albeit still breathing, probably just sleeping. Revan ignited his lightsaber and stabbed him through the heart, ending his long task, the funeral now safe.


“You can finally rest in peace Bastila.” Revan thought, and he walked back to the enclave, taking his time. “I’ll miss you.” He spent the walk back reminiscing, of what could’ve been, of what would’ve been, of what should’ve been. Tears rolled down his face, for the first time in a while...


Hope you enjoyed it, expect the story to go back to being more melancholic, much like the third chapter. :)

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I'm confused.

Is Revan Dark-sided, or Light-sided? I'm not sure if you've mentioned his alignment before now, though.


Anyways ... It was a good chapter. I liked the occasional cliche slang lines that popped up here and there. It made the story all the more enjoyable to read in my opinion.


Nice work, Bini. Keep it going.


EDIT: Didn't see the six chap, lol.

"I am the dark in which all light dies," ... this ... sounds ... oddly, eerily and undeniably familiar to me. I am not sure where I have heard it from, but I know I have, somewhere ...


Is this the end of the story?

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EDIT: Didn't see the six chap, lol.

"I am the dark in which all light dies," ... this ... sounds ... oddly, eerily and undeniably familiar to me. I am not sure where I have heard it from, but I know I have, somewhere ...


Indeed. That sounds oddly familiar to me as well.


Other than that, those were some solid chapters.

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I'm confused.

Is Revan Dark-sided, or Light-sided? I'm not sure if you've mentioned his alignment before now, though.


Anyways ... It was a good chapter. I liked the occasional cliche slang lines that popped up here and there. It made the story all the more enjoyable to read in my opinion.


Nice work, Bini. Keep it going.


EDIT: Didn't see the six chap, lol.

"I am the dark in which all light dies," ... this ... sounds ... oddly, eerily and undeniably familiar to me. I am not sure where I have heard it from, but I know I have, somewhere ...


Is this the end of the story?

Revan's lightsided, but it'

s supposed to be showing how he's not really the "perfect Jedi" and stuff.

Glad you liked it.

And no, it's not the end of the stroy, there'll still probably be a fair few chapters to go. :)


Indeed. That sounds oddly familiar to me as well.


Other than that, those were some solid chapters.

Thank you. :)

And that line sounds very familiar to me to, I've heard it somewhere before, but can't put my finger on it, I just decided to use it cos it sounds cool :p

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It's starting to really annoy me, lol. I have the voice in my head of who says it. But can't put a face to the sound, nor a movie or book, or wherever I have heard it.


Damn you brain for failing me. Damn you!




*Ahem* Sorry 'bout that. I was excited :lol:


I'm not sure if its where you both heard it from but why it's so familiar to me is because Visas says it to Darth Nihilus in the Introduction of their characters.

When she is on the bridge and she goes to ask if he thinks the Exile is a threat, he then force chokes her and she says something along the lines of: "You ... are the darkness in which all life dies, milord."


I knew it was a female's voice. It was like on the very edge of my hearing but I just couldn't grab it!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you. :)

And that line sounds very familiar to me to, I've heard it somewhere before, but can't put my finger on it, I just decided to use it cos it sounds cool :p

Your welcome. I know that Visas uses that line but doesn't Ajunta Pall use the same line as well? :giveup:


Oh, and get better soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I finally could be bothered writing another chap, and here it is, prepare for a few shocks ;)


Chapter 7 - Visions


Hallucinations, visions, wrong decisions...


Revan stood outside of the enclave, staring at the moon, like him and Bastila used to.

He couldn’t get any sleep, thinking about the next day, Bastila’s funeral. He picked up a pebble and skipped it across the lake, an old past time. He turned around to go back to the enclave, but was stopped by a familiar face.


“Bastila? Is it really you?” There she was, standing in front of Revan. His eyes went watery, as he went to hug her, only for her to disappear. “Where’d you go?” He turned again to see the Dark Jedi he killed, staring him in the eye. Revan reached for his saber, but when he looked up, he was gone. He looked around, no sign of Bastila or the Dark Jedi. “I need some sleep, I’m having these stupid hallucinations again.” Revan thought, and he went back to the enclave, with a big day ahead of him...




The funeral started without a hitch. The funeral was held outside, among the mountains to the west of the enclave, Bastila and Revan’s old hang out spot. It was a beautiful day, the sun shining, and just a slight breeze, ideal conditions. Everyone was in a formal suit, a first for Revan, who always wore his robes.

Everyone who was invited turned up, except for Zez-Kai Ell. Revan leaned over to Master Kavar.


“Kavar, where’s Zez-Kai Ell?” Revan asked. But Kavar just gave him a blank stare.


“Revan, Zez-Kai Ell is dead, he died at the hands of Kreia, remember?” Revan was taken aback, “Zez-Kai Ell, dead?” Revan thought to himself. Something fishy was going on. Revan ran through all the memories of him and Zez-Kai Ell talking. He couldn’t be dead, he turned to Kavar again, but he already left. Revan was left to ponder his words by himself. There were so many people there, yet Revan never felt so alone...


The funeral continued on as planned, it got to the part where Revan would read his eulogy. He stood up and walked to the front. A cool Dantooine breeze was in the air, and Revan shuddered.


“I decided to write my eulogy in the form of a poem, as some of you may know, I do like to write poetry in my spare time.” Revan coughed slightly, before continuing.


“When Winter comes

Warm turns to cold

This is where fragile things

Like to unfold


Sculptures are made

Out of ice

People all snug, and warm

In their homes so nice


But when Summer comes

It all must end

Because the ice

It can't defend


You left us in body

But in spirit you remain

And because of your love

Strength, I will gain”


A tear trickled down Revan’s face as he stuttered.


“You brought me happiness

Laughter and love

You were strong yet sensitive

Like an angelic dove


Darkness came

But you remained

You stayed with me

Through torture and greed


If there’s one thing

That should’ve been

Instead of you

It should’ve been me”


Everyone clapped at the poem, and Revan nodded, and managed out a thank you, among his tears.


“A wise man once told me, You never realise how much you really love someone, until they’re gone. And he was spot on. I loved Bastila with all my heart, and now that she’s gone, that’s only been strengthened. I ask none of you to forget her, and to always remember her lovely smile, and the warmth and happiness, she brought to us all. Thank you.” Revan trudged off the stage in tears, his ears filled with sound of applause, the day went off perfectly, and it was all thanks to Revan.


The day ended with a soft, musical number, performed by Bith that Revan had hired. As people were leaving, the padawans at the enclave cleaned up the funeral, removing the chairs and the altar, and anything else they used for it, while Revan sat by the lake. He looked into the water to see Bastila’s face staring back at him, before her face dissipated into the Dark Jedi, and then into nothing.


“Could Zez-Kai Ell really be dead? Was I just imagining him the whole time, when it was really someone else I was talking to?” Revan sat there for a few moments, thinking about what Kavar had told him, before he shifted his mind to Bastila.


“Through black days, through black nights, I know you’ll be with me. When the world has turned its back, when the days have turned pitch black, I know you’ll be with me.” His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of blaster fire from the enclave. Revan picked himself up and sprinted to check out what was going on. There were Sith overrunning the enclave. Padawans fell as the more experienced Sith gunned them down. A little 7 year old was shaking in the corner, as a Sith lifted a blaster to his head.


“ENOUGH!!” Revan yelled, picking up the Sith and flinging him into a wall with the Force. The other Sith realised he was there, and focused their gunfire on him. Revan masterfully dodged and weaved his way through the blaster fire, using the full power of the Force one every Sith he came across, until there were none left. Revan ended up at the front door, on one knee, with his head down and him filling his lungs with air. A soft clapping was heard and Revan looked up, and was immediately in shock of what he saw. The Dark Jedi.


“I, I,” Revan stuttered, lost for words, “I killed you.” The Dark Jedi smirked.


Another wave of Sith came into the enclave, and captured Kavar and any remaining Jedi, and took them hostage.


“You wish you killed me, but it was really a pathetic Sith soldier I stuck there, I knew you’d come for me, and I’d rather he died.” He took a step forward, then another, then another, as Revan kept walking backwards, until he was in the corner.


“Bow down Revan, sell your soul to me!” He ignited his lightsaber and swung, but Revan rolled out of the way.


“I really wish I didn’t leave my saber in my room.” Revan thought to himself. Besides the Force and his razor sharp wits, he was defenceless. He needed to get to his room. He sprinted into the corridor, with the Dark Jedi in pursuit.


“You can’t hide from me Revan, I’ll hunt you down without mercy, I’ll hunt you down all nightmare long.” Once again there were Sith in Revan’s way, but he still destroyed them without breaking a sweat. “Surrender unto me Revan.” His voice echoed down the hall as Revan kept running, he took a left before bumping into some scared padawans.


“You there, you weren’t found?” The padawans shook their heads. “Well run, find a better hiding spot, somewhere in the mountains, they’re coming. GO!!” The padawans did as Revan told them and quickly ran outside. Revan took another left until he found his room.


“Great, the door’s sealed.” Revan focused all his energy and blew the door down. “No time to knock.” He looked around for his saber, but he only saw Bastila, sitting on the bed. She winked at him, and once again vanished, leaving Revan dumbfounded. He took another look around, and found his saber behind the door, he quickly picked it up, ready for action. “It’s show time.”

He cautiously moved out of his room, when a loud whooshing sound filled the halls.


“You’re too late Revan.” The Dark Jedi said, “You’re friends have already been taken off this planet, it’s just you and me, and some of my backup left. You’re outnumbered.”


“So long as Bastila’s spirit is with me, I can’t lose.” Revan lunged in, screaming. “THIS IS FOR BASTILA!!” When the whole room suddenly went black...


HOpe you enjoyed it, remember to reply ;)

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The room went back? Did he get hit? Did he pass out? Did he trip over a banana peel? Argh!!!


Nice work, Bini. I was wondering when a new installment was going to be posted.

I take it you're all well and good now yeah? Damn glandular fever!


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The room went back? Did he get hit? Did he pass out? Did he trip over a banana peel? Argh!!!


Nice work, Bini. I was wondering when a new installment was going to be posted.

I take it you're all well and good now yeah? Damn glandular fever!


I knew that would put people in suspense :)


Yeah, I'm feeling all better now, it was a nightmare having glandular fever but I'm all good and ready for action :)

Next installment probably out soon

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Except for me :fist: The ... Stupid *insert various demeaning, insulting and the worst type of expletives here* people who can't get the order out on time makes me Coffin Box not being able to get to me before the 22nd .... NOT HAPPY!!!!


The day was going ... oh so well before I read that e-mail .... :( :( :( :(

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