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Corporate Machine!


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My new song, I like it!




*Speaking intro, like at the start of "The Number of the Beast" - Iron Maiden*


This world we live in, it's a big pile of sh*t.

What are we doing wrong? I'll tell you what we're doing wrong.......


*Leads into Guitar Intro - 30-40 seconds*


This world, is like a corporate machine....

In our lifes, we should do what we like......

Not listen to, their forced rules,

They take our lives, and screw them up!


And we keep on following them....

Like lambs to the slaughter!




I don't wanna take this crap anymore!

I'm gonna rebel on the force that is here.....

They rule our lives like a corporate machine!

I'm not happy and I'm not the only one....


I don't wanna take this crap anymore!

I'm gonna rebel on the force that is here.....

They rule our lives like a corporate machine!

My life is my own, And I'm gonna take it back!


The time is yet to come........




This world, is like a faulty program......

We can't, do what the hell we want....

Which is to, live our lives,

In normal ways, and stay sane!


And we keep on following them.......

Like the sacrificial victims!




I don't wanna take this crap anymore!

I'm gonna rebel on the force that is here.....

They rule our lives like a corporate machine!

I'm not happy and I'm not the only one....


I don't wanna take this crap anymore!

I'm gonna rebel on the force that is here.....

They rule our lives like a corporate machine!

My life is my own, And I'm gonna take it back!


The time is nearly here......


*Guitar solo*


Why are we taking all this sh*t from these leaders,

I aint gonna listen to these pillocks anymore!


I don't wanna take this crap anymore!

I'm gonna rebel on the force that is here.....

They rule our lives like a corporate machine!

The mob aint happy and the mob is here to stay!


And now the time is here......

To break the fatal mould, of these leaders!


*Guitar solo*


So why, are you still here?

Go wreck a car,

Or pierce your ear,

But now remember,

That while they rule,

Your life's not yours,

But some Political Fool's.......


Copyright: Paul Andrews, 2001.





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