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Heavy Spoilers: Why were they forced to be darkside?


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  • 4 months later...

In TSL, Mandalore is telling the Exile that Malachor V was a taboo world to the Mandalorians and that they only get there to fight because Revan had lured them with most of the Republic's feet.

Maybe there was already something twisted with Malachor V that the use of the generator only strengthened.

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TSL doesn't make it entirely clear about this. Why would atrocitys cause crippling ripples in the force in some instances and not others? The best anwer is that the effect is magnified by Malachor specifically. There are a couple of hints to this explanation, but nobody comes out and states it outright if I recall. Which explains why Bastila and Revan didn't die or somethng after Taris was sacked. Otherwise there is a significant plothole.

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  • 6 months later...

Ancient thread resurrection...sort of. It's still on the front page.


Just a small point. There was never a Light Force and a Dark Force. There is the Force and there is the Dark Side of the Force. Clear canon. The Force is neutral.


However the Force is the byproduct of mass-energy as described by Yoda and Qui Gon. So far canon suggests only Lightsiders (Jedi) and Darksiders (Sith) can manipulate it. For everybody else it is like oxygen. There and essential plus integral to life but completely taken for granted, totally unrecognised independently, non-distinct from the air or water that it is needed to create.


Jedi are like the scientists who contemplate oxygen, and can utilise it to produce other things. The Sith are like evil politicians and businessmen whose only interest is personal gain no matter how much social destruction is caused. They turn the efforts of scientists to their own ends.


Turning to the Dark Side is simply stated, "a servant of evil" by Ben Kenobi.

The fact Jedi turn to the Dark Side is a statement that it is your actions which decide which side you are on and not your beliefs or intentions (the road to hell being paved with good ones as the saying goes).


At Malachor or anywhere else, righteous slaughter is still slaughter. Hence the Jedi use the Force only for defence. Those who went against the wishes of the Jedi Council to fight in the Mandalorian Wars simply abandoned this most crucial precept. They became "righteous" murderers and the reality of such things does not set in immediately. First you justify it, then there is a wierd sense of disatisfaction with your chosen course. You thought you were so right and all of a sudden you don't feel so good about it. Then it begins to settle in. The wracking guilt. The images. The brutalisation of friends. Eventually simply the images of everybody's brutalisation, friend and foe alike will tear you apart. So what will you do? Accept that you were a Darksider, or become one running from it.


But then there is the other Darksider. The Sith, the willing participant. Oh sure he had no choice. Broken and dying you were given the opportunity, would you rape your own mother to survive? Or accept your fate as the universe dictates. Many make the wrong call, and quickly discover they kinda like it, you know once you get over that initial disgust with yourself.

Of course they do, it is animal of them. We are all animals. Hence the ethical have codes to determine never to fall so far. The wonton...just a mockery of them.


Dark Side, what is it? It is you. Fallen. It is what you were before you were lifted. It is that primordeal place before morality. It is nothing more, but it is always very close. And it is pure evil.


Revan at Malachor. Well. He was a Sith. He conscripted the MSG. Hell for that he was a Sith Lord, even Malak might never have gone so far...at least until somebody else did first. He was a bit of a weed, Malak, never first through the door but willing nonetheless.

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