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The Beauty and the Wookiee

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The beauty and the Wookiee - From the collected works of the brothers M'girm



In the time of Revan, Malak and the Mandalorian Wars many focused on the war itself. Where it was heading. How the Mandalorians could be defeated. Impressive war stories about the Revanchist leading his party to victory. About the courage Malak possessed. Of Admiral Saul Karath who led the Republic fleet to victory after victory.

Smaller stories we ignored. Stories about friendship, the normal people, the Beauty and the Wookiee. This is how it all started…


Act 1:

Saria Dontal was a bright young woman. Graduated from the Corruscant University on a brilliant paper about flora and fauna on Dantooine, she was on her way for Kashyyyk, where Czerka had opened an outpost. She was excited to describe all the life forms on this previously unreachable planet. Upon landing, she was greeted by a Czerka dock master:

“ Hello there. You must be the new biologist they send. It’s good to see you. My name is Erim Natsog and I run this place.”

Saria got the feeling politeness was the way to go, but she already disliked the man.

“Hello! My name is Saria Dontal and I’m very excited to be here.”

After exchanging information, the two walked towards the research station, near the landing bay.

When Saria entered, her attention was immediately drawn to a cage in the left corner. More precisely, what was inside.

“What…what is this supposed to mean, mister Natsog?” Natsog turned around and offered Saria an amused smile.

“That, Miss Dontal, is a Wookiee. The native species of this planet. And this one was taken in for you to research.”

Saria was shocked. How could they cage and stun an animal this way?

“What did this particular Wookiee do to deserve such a fate as this, Mister Natsog?” She asked him.

He turned away, gestured some guards before answering:

“He opposed us. Have fun.”

The guards walked towards the cage, opened it and dragged the unconscious Wookiee out.


Saria got used researching the muscular body of the Wookiee in the following days. The Wookiee would be drugged and tied to a research table, so Saria could do the thing she did best: Sketch and observe. When she saw the Wookiee move, she pressed the communications relay to allow guards in. They would give the Wookiee another dose of drugs.


Act 2:

On one such days, Saria was daydreaming.

“This is not what it was supposed to be like. I expected adventure…encounter new species. Treat them with the respect they deserve.”

It was then that she saw the eyes of the beast blink.

Next, she heard the slow stretchy sound of the band holding the beast being strained.

Normally, this would be the time to warn the guards.

But Saria didn’t. She watched as the Wookiee slowly regained consciousness. The mighty beast then looked at Saria, realizing she wasn’t like the Czerka people.

Saria looked the beast deep in the eyes.

Their eyes crossed, as the beast slowly tried to flex his muscles. Again, the Wookiee tried to snap the band. And then, with a loud ‘snap’ the beast was loose.


With a fast arm movement, he also removed the bands around his legs and ankles. He then jumped of the table and started looking around for an exit.

Saria slowly shuffled back, towards a wall, keeping an eye on the Wookiee.

Why am I letting the happen?” She asked herself. “I will lose my job here if I continue to let this happen!”

Then, with a sound like a thunder strike, the beast started slamming on the repulsorlift door that lead to the entrance of the research station. Seconds later, alarm bells rang and a familiar voice was transmitted over the communications system.

“The Wookiee has escaped! Shoot it down! All guard teams; prepare to engage and position yourself in sector Yellow-3! And kill the beast when you get the chance! They will rip your arms of otherwise…”

The voice of Erim Natsog stopped.

The Wookiee turned around, looking at Saria. The enraged look in his eyes scared Saria. The beast closed in on her.

“What have I done? I’m about to die!” She thought.

The beast was now towering over her.

Yo agaaha.” The beast shouted.

Saria, scared, moved her hand towards the communications panel to shut of the alarm.

Ur oh!” The beast said. The raged glance in his eyes was gone.

Ruh Gwyaaaag. Haag?” The beast now silently cried.

Sario looked deep into its eyes.

“You…you want to get out. All right.”

She pointed her finger upwards, to a roster in the roof of the chamber.

“Czerka is there.” The pointed to towards the lift doors. “Roof is safe.” And she pointed towards the roof again.

The Wookiee nodded and opened its mouth:

“Muaarga!” Followed by his head shaking a ‘No.’

Saria thought.

“You mean…I…(she pointed towards herself)..am not safe?” She asked.

The Wookiee nodded and pretended to hold a blaster and order commands.

“You are right…they will probably get rid of me because of this…your specie is there source of income. And when your species finds out about this, it’s over for Czerka.” Sari said.

The Wookiee nodded and grabbed Saria by the waist, then laid her over his wide and muscular shoulder.


He ran back, and with an amazing jump, made it onto the wall. His claws helped him climb the steep metal wall. They slowly progressed, as they heard sounds from the other side of the repulsor lift. Just when they were about to enter the roster and make their escape, the lift doors opened and Czerka troopers stormed in. After some quick orders, they opened fire on the Wookiee.

From the shoulder of the Wookiee, Saria tried to see what happened. They had reached the roster and the Wookiee was busy pulling it out.

Seconds later, they entered the ventilation shaft, under heavy blaster fire.

The Wookiee went up front. They kept crawling for a minute or two, until Saria saw some liquid on the ground of the shaft. The Wookiee was bleeding!

She Wookiee ripped another roster out. He jumped out and lifted Saria out as well. They were in the main entrance again. Everyone was gone, probably looking for them.


Act 3"

The Wookiee lifted her on his shoulders again and started running. But Saria saw he wasn’t running for the exit of the little outpost. He was running towards the docks!

“Kourasaa! Kourasaa!” He shouted.

“You mean…Coruscant?” She asked.

The Wookiee growled a confirming word.

“You want me to warn the Republic?” She asked once more.

The Wookiee then grabbed a little datacard from below his long hairs and gave it to Saria.

“Yurinal…yournal.” He cried.

Saria understood the Wookiee had grabbed Saria’s datapad when he was bashing on the doors of the lift.


The two entered the docking bay. The Wookiee put Saria down and pointed to a canister.

Saria guessed he wanted her to hide. He then pointed and growled to the ships.

“It’s the orange one…” She whispered.

The Wookiee nodded and ran towards the ship.

Two Czerka guards tried to shoot him, but he leaped towards them and bashed them down. He lifted the first one and walked towards the edge of the platform.

He then let go of the worker, who screamed when he fell down…

A blaster shot hit the Wookiee in the back. The other guard grabbed hold of his blaster and was now firing on the Wookiee!

The Wookiee growled an intense cry and made his way for the second guard, whilst being hit several times. He grabbed the guard by the throat with one hand and grabbed the guards right arm (which was holding the blaster) with his other arm.

With a thunderous growl, the arm came loose and the man fell down on the ground, crying, before he fell unconscious.


The Wookiee then fell down, crying in pain. Saria ran towards him.

She grabbed the Wookiee by the arms and tried to drag him towards her ship. But she wasn’t strong enough. The Wookiee cried a soft growl of surrender and grabbed Saria by her hand.

Saria stood still. The Wookiee rose to his knees, still holding her hand.

He looked her deeply in the eyes. A tear slowly made its way down her cheek. The Wookiee raised his other hand and gently whipped it away.

Another blaster shot screamed through the air once more and the Wookiee fell down.


Erim Natsog appeared from behind a cargo canister and slowly walked towards Saria, who had fallen down on her knees, holding the head of the Wookiee in her hands.

“You are SO dead, miss Dontal!” He shouted.

“Releasing one of our export products! Your research could have made our business so much easier! But it seems your…devotion…to your job is your downfall.”

He was walking around Saria now.

“Let’s see…I had no choice but to shoot the Wookiee. He had kidnapped you. And I accidentally hit you as well…no. Better. The Wookiee used you as a human shield! Such a brutal story would even give the Republic a reason to support the export of Wookiees! You helped us greatly! At the cost of your life. But still.”

It became obvious for Saria that the man was turning insane, trying to protect his lies and crimes with more lies and crimes.

He closed in on her and the Wookiee.

“Magnificent animals huh?” And he kicked the body of the Wookiee in the stomach.

“Legendary comrades?” He gave it another kick.

“Stop it! STOP IT!” Saria cried. She stood up.

Erim pointed the blaster at her. “You die now, Miss Dontal.”


A loud growl drew the attention of both humans. The Wookiee quickly grabbed Natsog by the legs and swung him towards the group of cargo canisters standing near the edge.

He then turned around, facing Saria.

“You are…truly a beautiful one.” She whispered.

The Wookiee embraces her. And cried a few silent words in her ear.

Saria embraced the Wookiee too. They stood there for a few moments, before the Wookiee released her. He kissed her on the head and then turned around.

Saria cried. She knew the Wookiee was about to die. He simply wanted to keep her safe by occupying Erim Natsog.

She turned around and ran towards her ship. Since the guards were gone, she could easily enter and start the engines.


From her cockpit, she could see the Wookiee closing in on Natsog. He was shooting the Wookiee furiously, but the Wookiee kept walking, albeit slowly. He then grabbed the man by the neck and lifted him off the ground. The man shouted for help, but the Wookiee showed no mercy. He threw the man over the edge.

A group of soldiers then ran towards the landing pad. The Wookiee turned around, looking at Saria. A little tear fell down the Wookiee’s face as he waved her goodbye. He turned around, facing the group of soldiers. They had already aimed their blaster rifles and shouted him to surrender. The Wookiee growled a last magnificent battle cry and ran for the group, who opened fire.


Saria never saw her friend fall down. She had turned her head away and took off, her face wet from her tears.

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Heh, a cheesy yet different idea:P The plot is decidedly linear, but the style seems rather whimsical (to my befuddled brain:P). My main criticism has to do with the physical capabilities of Wookiees--they are ridiculously strong and all, but climbing up steel walls (with a burden!) and surviving multiple blaster bolts requires more suspension of disbelief than I am comfortable with. It's an interesting premise, but could use some work:)

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