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TSL: Ilusion Fight


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Hi everyone. I need some help with a mod for the ilusion fight at the end of that tomb in korriban. The thing is i've downloaded an ilusionfight mod which comes with some ncs files that make the dark jedi exile fight you after you defeat revan, but my problem is that when the fight starts, de dark exile is extremely difficult to defeat, I tried to edit the utc file, but the hit points are controlled by the ncs file, so it was worthless.

What I'm asking for, is a mod thas does exactly the same (fight with the dark exile after revan) but including the utc files to let me edit everything just as with any other caracter.

Could somebody help me please?

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Which mod are you talking about? Is it K2RP, as I know that restored the PC doppleganger.


You could decompile the .ncs file with the DeNCS program, which is around here somewhere. Or if its K2RP you're talking about, the source files are around here somewhere. Or you could contact the original modder who made the mod in question, and ask him for the source file, which should be okay, considering its for personal use.

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It wasn't K2RP, I tried that one but I liked better the scene when you fight the copy after revan (in K2RP you fight it before)


I forgot to say y also tried to decompile the script but it gave me an error so it didn't work. Besides I don't know how to work with those files, I can't make this mod by my own and I really need that scene


I think it was Stoffe's mod but i'm not sure

I still would appreciate if someone could send me a link or even better: make the script


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Uhh.. i have not been able to contact the designer of the mod so i need someone to help me with this.


Here is the thing: i've been working on a mod to make a real challenge out of fighting some of the npc's, for example i've edited nihilus, sion, traya, some dark jedis, revan and the illusion exile. what i did is make the fight more interesting, they are very difficult to hit but have almost the same hitpoints as you and a lot of force powers (instead of the normal ones wich aren't really much of a fight because they just take a lot of damage and then, they die)


About my request, i know it's not very difficult to make the script to fight with the dark exile but i can't do it myself, i couldn't find the designer so i need you guys to help me with this.

It's very simple: you fight revan, revan dies then you fight the exile, then he/she dies, then kreia talks an the quest is finished

pleease help me ! :(

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