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jumping and macro options


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hello, i was wondering is there a code to jump higher than lv 3 ? i see in jedi academy some reborn that seem to jump almost 30ft in the air also with the staff saber i was wondering is there a macro or quick key that will preform the kicks, spin kicks, without the conditions of npc being close to the pc? if there is i was wondering what the codes are in sp game, any info would be great.

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The reborn jumping that high is a glitch. It mainly happens in JO levels put into JA. But it does happen in JA sometimes.


By default the kicks only work under specific conditions. You can make a .sab file that allows you to make your own button combs to execute the kicks I think.

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In lugormod you can jump very high.. but I have to no clue if theres some sorta "cmd" to do this. As far as I know not.


thanks for the reply, i have a few more questions, first is their a way to change the style on the staff? i see some rebornmasters with staff doing a light style kata and also doing cartwheels with a staff. also i was trying the playermodel mode with tavion with the sith sword is their a way to activate her sword? it seems that she can heal herself with it., any info would be great.

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