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Darth Nihilus' Holocron


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Alright, recently, I had an idea to include Darth Nihilus' holocron as seen in Star Wars: Legacy (Darth Krayt, trying to discover a way to prevent the Yuuzhan Vong creatures from consuming his body, used his holocron to try and find help, since Darth Nihilus "imbued his consciousness in his armor" to cheat death). Basically, I wanted to make a mod which had this holocron, probably on the bridge of the Ravager for after you defeat Nihilus, which had a holo version of Nihilus talk with you about his history (since barely any backstory about Nihilus is revealed in the game, it's all from external sources) and allude to the fact that he preserved his consciousness in his armor (but of course, avoiding the details since this hasn't been developed yet).


I guess my goal is to use the model of the holocron on Korriban, place it on the bridge of the Ravager, have it spawn a holo Nihilus when interacted with, and have the Exile and holo Nihilus exchange dialogue (with Nihilus doing Sith speak as voiceovers and having some excuse for why the Exile can understand it this time) which reveals info about Nihilus' backstory as revealed in other Star Wars works. In this way, the average player who doesn't see any real point to Nihilus since he is undeveloped in the game will learn what other sources have revealed about him. I think as little fan-made info as possible should be included, just what's been revealed in actual works (you can read all about it at http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Darth_Nihilus )


I was hoping to create this mod myself, but I was completely bewildered when I tried looking through the tutorials (I couldn't find anything about "How to create an NPC"). So I figured it might be better if I just asked if somebody else is willing to do it.

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So is anybody interested in doing this plugin? Alternatively, if there are any easier guides to modding, I'd love to learn how to do this myself. Again, I couldn't find anything about adding NPCs or anything, so I couldn't figure out where to begin.


Better yet, can you look at existing code in the game? The news reels on Onderon would be perfect for this: one NPC when interacted with spawns another NPC and starts dialog. Half my work could be done if I could just use that as an example. So is it possible to look at existing code in the game?

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