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The Huntress

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  • 4 weeks later...

This is great! I love Mira! This is great, how you're explaining her reasons for not killing her bounties (which never made sense before). Also, mentioning what she did before she became a bounty hunter was good, as well. I never really bought that some 14-year-old girl showed up on Nar Shaddaa and instantly became "The Huntress" ;) The tie to her past was well-placed, too.


I'm really looking forward to the next installment of this. :)


Edit: Your description of the Hutt was priceless.

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I didn't notice this comment - oops.


Anyway, thanks for the feedback! I figured everything Mira said in K2 needed a little more depth in explanation, so I put in a few ideas... :^: also, Hutts always seemed dim and funny in my head, so I had to write it so, in this.


Again, thanks. Next installment is on it's way. ;)

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  • 5 weeks later...

Here's one last request to see a great story at least not come to an indefinite close.


It is rare for a really minor character to have a story of their own worth reading and receiving praise such as this. I am saddened to know it will not evolve to much more than this, but I do hope that it does not fade before coming a little closer to its potential. I do hope to see a chapter three even if it requires a long wait.


I really like this story and hope that the author does not abandon it forever.

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