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JA Mod Questions

Darth Payne

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I have no idea if this is the proper place to post this.


I'm wondering if there is either a single mod or a series of mods that lets you do the following.


1: Change your characters clothing between missions.


2: Choose between single, dual and staff sabers as well as change blade color between missions.


3: A type of menu that lets you simulate the various cheat codes. (This one i think might be a time saver, if it hasn't been done.)

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there are,but you have to look at the files over at http://jediknight3.filefront.com

for your first request ive seen some where you get the clothing you get on hoth.and so on,but i cant recall of one doing so during the missions


for the 2nd ,i have a mod i got a long time ago but i dont remember where i got it,its a cfg file that with 3 keys you cycle through the sabers and colors,ie lets say the u key is set to a single blade and you get blue,you hit the u key and it goes through all the colors,next the i key is for duals and the o key is for staffs,you hit the key till you get the color you want,the only color not given is red.

the problem is at that at jediknight 3 the file is not there but there are some similar files :




and there are many more

if youd like i guess i could send you the one i have through a pm if you want.


for your 3rd request,when you say menu what do you mean?

because you can make a cfg file to increase your stats if thats what you want,but if not then check around the section of mini mods on jedinight 3 and i think you may come close to what your looking for.

happy hunting

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no,the first one is all the force powers and the saber script combined,then in case you might not want to use all of that i just put the saber script alone.just use one.you cant use both,try the first one if you like it cool remeber you can change any of the numbers.if you dont like it or its too unwiedly,then just use the saber script


one thing i kinda forgot,because i did this many years ago,i had finished the game and this was before i learned how to make the cfg,i had.

made the script.

i brought down the console,and i typed in the name of the first map

map yavin1

it took me to to the first cutscene aboard the rebel ship but intead of a single saber,i had a staff which is how i eneded the game,and like this the script i gave you worked without problems from level to level.dont knowif you want to try this but it worked for me.

even though i had to start from the begining i had my weapon of choice.

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The only way to increase vitality is to use "undying" and "god" - of course, those would mean you wouldn't get killed unless you fell off of a cliff or something that was marked to kill you. As for force points, I have an Unlimited Force .cfg if you are interested in it. What it does is continually give you any Force power you use, even if you used it up!

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Hehe, i've had a bit of a funny glitch in my Xbox version of JA that lets me use a saberstaff from the beginning of the game.


It doesn't let me choose which staff to use, though i can change the blade color.


Edit: Oh, and about the Menu thing i mentioned in my first post? When you select the weapons you want for your mission there are several free slots when you select you explosives, could they be used to add a fake explosive? So that when you select it a group of codes are activated, and when you select them again the codes are de-activated.

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