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Enomeg helmet


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Would it possible to do this helmet http://www.novarefuge.com/galaxy/images/portrait_darkdragon.jpg or this one http://www.novarefuge.com/galaxy/images/portrait_scorp_helmet.jpg for TSL if anyone want to try pm me before you do you are free to put attributes,skills and feats that you want to but don't overpower wich ever of the helmet you want to do


ps: if possible would it work to do a lightsaber that looks like a katana?

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Honor the great man? ...Erm...never mind.


(On-topic) Y'know it doesn't really look like any other helmet to me...hmm...maybe the Neo Red could be modded to look like the Enomeg? Cause the Enomeg is hard to do. Even the guys on SSLF are trying figure out a way to mod a lego for it. Hard haaaard helmet. Very. So...just putting that out there.

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