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[TSL]New Planet/Ziost

Hayden Kered

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I had this cool idea for a new planet to visit in TSL. The planet Ziost, the adopted homeworld of the sith.

You can read about Ziost here:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ziost


The mod uses the Malachor V maps for the planet and the Trayus Academy for the Sith Citadel.


The Idea:


The mod would start just outside the Trayus Academy. The big round plat form extending away from the Academy would be the landing pad. As for the giant doors leading from the previous areas, these would remain shut with a description that says "Ziost's terrain is far too treacherous to explore".


Around the outside on the ground would be patches of white for snow, while the weather would be snowing.


The Academy would be renamed as The Sith Citadel.


Around the inside there would be several Sith monuments and holocrons, some plain, some containing artifacts (all would be the modder's choice).


Points of interests would be an area for training, an archives with a computer console detailing on the history of the sith and their code, a prison with dead Jedi, and a torture chamber.


The Trayus Core would be used as the Sith Council Chamber. In here there would be several chairs and a Sith monument in the center (similar to the Jedi Council on Coruscant).


New species/enemies to fight:

Some of us are probably tired of fighting Sith Assassins and 'so-called' Sith Lords. Why not fight the Sith themselves? By doing this the Dopak character could be skinned to resemble a Sith, much like Marka Ragnos. I think Dopak would be a good choice since this is the only character that has a beard similar to those of the Sith species. After re-skinning, the character would be randomly placed throughout the Citadel.


This is all of my idea that I could think of. I do hope that this will intrigue some one enough to spend time making.


My idea is also open for any ideas or changes that would make this mod great!

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I had this cool idea for a new planet to visit in TSL. The planet Ziost, the adopted homeworld of the sith.

You can read about Ziost here:http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Ziost


The mod uses the Malachor V maps for the planet and the Trayus Academy for the Sith Citadel.


The Idea:


The mod would start just outside the Trayus Academy. The big round plat form extending away from the Academy would be the landing pad. As for the giant doors leading from the previous areas, these would remain shut with a description that says "Ziost's terrain is far too treacherous to explore".


Around the outside on the ground would be patches of white for snow, while the weather would be snowing.


The Academy would be renamed as The Sith Citadel.


Around the inside there would be several Sith monuments and holocrons, some plain, some containing artifacts (all would be the modder's choice).


Points of interests would be an area for training, an archives with a computer console detailing on the history of the sith and their code, a prison with dead Jedi, and a torture chamber.


The Trayus Core would be used as the Sith Council Chamber. In here there would be several chairs and a Sith monument in the center (similar to the Jedi Council on Coruscant).


New species/enemies to fight:

Some of us are probably tired of fighting Sith Assassins and 'so-called' Sith Lords. Why not fight the Sith themselves? By doing this the Dopak character could be skinned to resemble a Sith, much like Marka Ragnos. I think Dopak would be a good choice since this is the only character that has a beard similar to those of the Sith species. After re-skinning, the character would be randomly placed throughout the Citadel.


This is all of my idea that I could think of. I do hope that this will intrigue some one enough to spend time making.


My idea is also open for any ideas or changes that would make this mod great!



That's awesome. I'm new to this website but i'm a huge KOTOR fan and I want to help make ziost. I'd be willing to write scripts and some mission ideas but I'll need help because I'm a beginner.


P.S. I Think Darth Bane should be a character.

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This is all of my idea that I could think of. I do hope that this will intrigue some one enough to spend time making.


My idea is also open for any ideas or changes that would make this mod great!


You do notice that your asking for a planet mod? With all the features you just included I am surprised you haven't taken this venture yourself


Anyway, i highly (Emphasis) doubt anyone would wish to spend half a year creating a new planet mod just as a request for someone. Your best bet if you ever want to see this mod is to find a modding team and do it yourself.


Also I believe the actual sith species have been extinct a thousand years before K1. So how could they exist on Ziost?


P.S. I Think Darth Bane should be a character.[/Quote]


Darth Bane was born 2000 years after K2

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It's a mod, who cares if its canonical? and the true sith aren't dead according to Kreia


Actually you would be surprised how many people are turned off to a star wars mod that clearly jumps away from cannon. It makes the player believe that the modder clearly didn't research anything about the plotline he/she decided to base the mod off of. I know a Bane fan who would frown upon a K2 mod that features a character who was born 2000 years after the game takes place.


Also he didn't mention the True Sith. He mentioned Sith as in the species. True Sith are obviously another species that exist in the unknown regions. The species Sith became extinct 1000 years before K1.

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Well.. to be blunt, it's a Mod Request and nothing more. There's no reasoning to question 'why' he wants it.. or what about anyone else would 'want' or 'feel' about it. Simple and plain. It's not relelvant to the actual making of the mod.


I do however agree with you that it's hardly likely any modder will take up an entire planet request (though not closing the book on it either ;) )

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i would love to see this one made. im going to look at the tutorials to see what is needed for this and maybe (since noone else seems to think this will be made by anyone) i might try it out. (fyi, i will let everyone know if i decide to take this. and it would take a VERY long time for me like a year or two cuz of school)

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Yeah I do understand that it is a planet mod.


If it takes a team to make this then very well! FYI I would do this myself but I just do not have the time to even learn how to use the tools, other wise I would not have requested this.


Who said that the entire race of Sith were extinct? There could have been unknown survivors, but that is just my opinion.

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