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Christos K

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Could someone make a quick mod so that when you fight Nihilus that both Visas and Mandalore stay in Stun or even better make it so that both Visas and Mandalor fall down incapacitated and when they have lines in between they stand up for a quick second than fall down again until you kill Nihilus. I dont think this would be very hard and it doesnt require adding any lines to Visas and Mandalore. I've just always hated it that you need help from depressing Visas and Bad Ass Mandalore to take down Darth Nihilus. Thanks in advance.

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No you dont have to take out any scripts it could be like this:

All teh dialogue when you first walk up to Nihilus,

Now right before the fighting starts Nihilus uses Force Crush on both Visas and Mandalore and they fall to the ground incapacitated.

You fight Nihilus on your own and once you take out the amount of health in which conversation starts again Mandalore and Visas run up besides you both Flurrishing their weapons,

Than again right before the combat starts Nihilus uses Force Push on both Mandalore and Visas in a single push (SPOILER unless you ask Visas to break the connection she has with Nihilus she fights with you or if you ask her to sacrifice herself she falls there and you know the rest).

Thats all there is no other dialogue afterwards.

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Thats not a bad idea so it would be like this:

1. All 4 (Exile, Visas, Mandalore, Nihilus) Have their dialogue.

2. Right after you say the option that starts combat, a scene of two Sith Masters running at Visas and Mandalore commences. Either Mandalore or Visas say something quick like So be it, COME ON!, or DIE...

3. Mandalore attacks one and Visas Attacks the other, they both leave the party and are about 5 meters away figting the Sith.

4. You fight Nihilus on your own and get his health down to 50 % (I think it is) And you see a scene of Visas killing her opponent.

5. Visas says her line, "He is to powerful, Master" or whatever and you say your options whether it be to make her sacrfise herself, make her try to severe her connection, or just say the line that means "Dont give up".

6. Before combat starts again Visas (or if you made her "die" she just falls to the floor) runs at the Sith Master Mandalore is fighting.

7. You continue to fight Nihilus alone.

8. You bring Nihilus down see and see the cutscene of Visas and Mandalor killing the Sith Master.

9. You are partied up with Mandalore and Visas (Or just Mandalore) and starting walking away when you see that scene of the Force (or whatever it is the energy withing Nihilus) absorbing him.

10. Happily ever after.


Side note: The two Sith Masters are wearing what the "Boss" Sith Masters in Freedun Nadd's tomb were wearing. One has 2 short lightsabers the other has a doublebladed lightsaber.

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