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Kir Kanos


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Hey i was just wondering would it be possilbe to do this helmet http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/f/f4/Kanos1.JPG but instead of yellow i want it red and if possible could anyone do this to or this armor and helmet http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/1/1d/SWCE1-FC.jpg

here is the requierments

1. Don't overpower that just ruin gameplay

2.make it only useable for pc

3.No aligment restrictions

4.and there is 2 feats you must have to wear it Melee profiency and dueling

5. no force restriction you should be able to use the force in it

other than this there is no requirements you ca put any feat skills attributes item description as long as it don't become owerpowered i am happy even if you only do the helmets but if it's possible to do both armor and helmets it would be appriciated

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