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Using Malak's fight animations


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This is my first post here so forgive me if this isn't the correct location for this thread. I'm still new to the rules.


I just started playing KotOR again and decided to mod a few things to keep it interesting. There was one particular mod I was looking for but it doesn't seem to exist, although I'm certain it can be done. Every NPC in the game, including the main character, has the same fight animation. That is, everyone besides Malak. In my opinion, he appears to be the most skilled with a lightsaber since does flips all over the place while fighting. Kind of like Yoda VS Dooku. For appearance sake, I would like my character to have the same fight animation as Malak but I'm not sure how to do this. Any help toward this matter will be greatly appreciated.

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You can't simply take one model's animations and give them to another. The animations are attached to Malak's skeleton, and the other models in the game use a completely different skeleton. This is why they use different animations.


If you wanted Malak's animations you'd either have to use his model or find some way to make them from scratch for the model you want.

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Hmmm, that's not good. I can't see myself playing the game as Malak so that's out. As for making my own from scratch, I know next to nothing about how to do that so that's out too lol. Well, I guess I don't have much choice but to like what I've got. I thought (and hoped) it would just be a minor copy and paste thing. Have you ever come across any mods out there for this, already?

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If there was a mod that did this, you probably would have been directed to it already. But, the good thing is that you don't have to scratch model a character to get such fighting animations. :)


There is a model which contains most of the animations for the human skeleton. Actually there are five, but you can import them and edit them to change what you want. Unfortunately, it'll affect all human characters...

If you want to take a look download MDLOps 6 and extract the following models from KotOR tool:






Read and write with MDLOps, import to GMax or Max with NWMax one at a time, and find the animations you want to edit. But it'll take a LONG time...

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