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KotOR Mod Request: Han Solo SideQuest


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I just realized. When you start a new game in kotor, and in Taris you must get the codes from the sith base, its awfully annoying having to go out of your way just to grab an item from the Sith Governor. I dont know if this could be done but would'nt it be cool if in the lower city cantina instead of a Calo Nord cutscene, it was replaced with a Han Solo killing Greedo cut scene? And when u talk to him, at first he would be like....what do u want...? and when u get further into the conversation he offers a side quest. If you can find and take out a bounty hunter who has a bounty on Solo's head, he'll reward you greatly.

He says that rumor has it he is hiding in the lower city somewhere. He would be found in one of the spare empty rooms in the lower city apartment. The bounty hunter would be wearing krath holy armor, equipped with double vibro blade. Once u eliminate him, his remains consist of 1000 credits, mandalorian assault armour, and a datapad. I dont know if this could be done but the date pad would read about his search for han solo and his 'stupid' pet wookie. Once u return, he talks about how he heard u got the job done. He would reward you with the codes to the ebon hawk making the sith base 'skip-able.' i dont no if this sounds stupid but i think it would be cool. Please reply!!

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Well, it wouldn't be very canonical since Solo wasn't born for another 4,000 years. Either way, it's still a cool idea.


While what you are saying has some merit fenix, I wish to point out that this post is basically off-topic here. This is a mod requests forum so posts like this are a no-no here as it starts to fall into the "why?" category. Lets keep the posts to modders taking the mod on or people explaining how it can be done or can't be done. Thanks. -RH

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