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The real truth of the true sith!

Jedi Master Revan

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These are based on facts and are from my point of view i know this has been discussed many times, and people have been confused and i would like to clear things up, ow and i am new here and this is my first post:P. All fact material comes from the help of wookieepedia and the other honorable jedi bretheren below who have used their knowledge of the force to help me complete this task with the wisdom of the force^^.



Hayden GS


thanks for the information, i am greatfully appreciated by the hospitality of a veteran and a tapeworm tamer ^^.


Here is a text from wookieepedia:


Later, it was discovered that, after the Sith King Adas died while driving the Rakata from Korriban in 27,700 BBY, the Sith species possessed the technology to relocate themselves to nearby Ziost. It is therefore possible that some Sith from this era became the "True Sith," taking up residence out in the Unknown Regions, and eventually constructing the Trayus Academy on Malachor V

The 'sith' species homeworld was Korriban and they later relocated their homeworld to Ziost.


The sith species are described as red skinned with tentacle beards, they eventually bred with human species leading to rumours that Exar Kunn and Markos Ragnos being half sith. At first i thought these were the true sith here are the facts with and against the fact that they are the 'true sith':

Reasons for being the 'true sith':

They are the sith race.

The sith race have not been seen and their purely is to be believed lost or they could just be hiding e.g. hiting at the idea that they are the 'true sith'.

Reasons against this idea of them being the 'true sith':

The 'true sith' empire was said to be vast and the sith race never explored out of their homeworld let alone dominate their surrounding planets.

The 'true sith' empire apparently showed that Korriban was on the rim of its empire again hinting the fact that they might not be the 'true sith'.

Over all verdict: not 'true sith' unless proven otherwise.


Hope i cleared things out, for anyone who might come across this.

Finally, i would like to present this link to you if you want to find out more about K.O.T.O.R 3 or the mmopg which i am very dissapointed at, the story is unbelievable, the style of the game not so convincing for now.

This link well help to clear alot of things up, my post if jst discussing




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The True Sith are the surviving Sith Species from the Great Hyperspace War.


I would friendly suggest reading a little more, play KotOR 1 & 2, and possibly read some books and comics.


  Jedi Master Revan said:
The sith species are described as red skinned with tentacle beards, they eventually bred with human species leading to rumours that Exar Kunn and Markos Ragnos being half sith.

BTW, Exar Kun was human and a Jedi turned Sith. Marka Ragnos was a half-breed sith.

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Sorry to say this: You could have saved yourself the effort. What you are analysing...(not very well I might add) has already been explained on the SWTOR site:



Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow led his armies in an aggressive campaign to destroy the Galactic Republic. Though the Sith were successful at first, the Jedi Order rallied back to defeat their dark counterparts, systematically destroying the Sith civilization on Korriban.


Unbeknownst to the Jedi however, the last Emperor of the Sith managed to escape the carnage and fled into Deep Space with his most trusted Dark Lords.


These surviving Sith began rebuilding their society on a distant planet, hoping to one-day return for revenge.

Naga Sadow might have had some Sith blood, but he's ABSOLUTELY no Sith by race. Like stated in above quote, a Sith Lord survived and rebuild their society. Not make love like beasts to recreate their species.


Second point:

Yuuzhan Vong the True Sith? Come on. You know what Vector Prime is? The reason it took them so long. They had to find a route that led directly into the heart of the Republic. Plus, wait for the appropriate time.

a) Candarous time: Revan at power. Star Forge. Face an enemy with unlimited resources. No good time.

b) Time afterwards: You saw it yourself, the Jedi order had thousands and thousand of Jedi again and the Republic was rebuild after Revan. Not the time to strike. The Vong would turn the Sith AND Jedi against them. The damn well knew the Jedi were the best of the best.

c) Palpatine's time: It's a well-known fact Palpatine knew about the Vong. He sent his BEST Admiral to the unknown regions to hold the line (Thrawn) and he sabotaged every effort to scout the unknown regions, to not provoke the vong (Outbound Flight, Thrawn gunned the ship down).


So...nice effort, but check the official sources before you start your research :)

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I have played both of them, and i never read about the true sith on wookieepdia i swear it wasn't there yesterday when i looked at it, and i knew the Yuuzhan Vong weren't ther 'true sith' i also read someone saying it was the life forms of the sith in the holocrons like the ones that turned Atris to the dark side, before the exile redeemed her, as for the comic books i am trying to get them, it is true i think that the Vong can't use the force and i am confused about the wookieepedia fact, first of is the true sith fact even confirmend by george lucas or his team? The wookiepeedia says that one sith lord went away went 'other' sith lords and apparently became the emperor of that order. Can someone please give me any link to proving that the 'true sith' are infact the sith lords from the great hyperspace war.

To consider ztalkers opinion an enemy with unlimited resources? Yes, unlimitied resources for the 'leader' the true sith could declare themselves much more powerful than the sith then, canderous time - Revan and overthrow the sith lord at the time and claim this unlimitied power for themselves i also believe that they would not be foolish enough to be corrupted by its power as Revan had forseen, well known fact that palpatine knew, very likely i think although it isn't a well known fact enough because i didn't know that until now ^^

Hayden GS: You are correct to a certain point, they are part of the sith species although i think lucas would love to think not and that a small proportion of the purity of the sith race still lived albet just, and thanks for the information about Exar Kunn and Marka Ragnos, i didn't have the time to check it up.

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A little hint about wookieepedia, if you are using the site for all your sources and information learning, check back on the same pages and re-read (if you have the time).


Reason being is that any one can edit the pages, which at some time false or speculated info can be read by others before Admins can catch them. I remember reading about a character which had a brief segment about Lindsey Lohan!!!

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@ Jedi Master Revan:


I meant to point this out:

The Vong enter by Vector Prime, billions of lightyears away from the Star Forge. It would be a difficult battle. There is a reason they waited until the galaxy and Jedi were weak before they attacked. In Revan's time, the galaxy wasn't weak.

In the years following, the Jedi flourished. Not a great time to invade either.


Anyways, about Palpatine:

Information of Yuuzhan Vong activity within the galaxy for the next few decades is scarce. It is known that, by 27 BBY, at the start of the Outbound Flight Project, Palpatine had somehow gained knowledge of the incoming Yuuzhan Vong fleet, though he planned to withhold it from the Republic until after his New Order could be instituted. At least one of his subordinates, Kinman Doriana, was informed, however. The distant threat of invasion was also part of the reason Palpatine ordered the destruction of Outbound Flight in order to prevent its occupants from falling into the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong (and also to eliminate six Jedi Masters and 12 Jedi Knights).[13]


The number redirect directly to books and canon material in the article.


It was also around this time that another small advance force of Yuuzhan Vong engaged the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force, on the edge of the Chiss Ascendancy. Although the Chiss Admiral Ar'alani managed to defeat them, the Yuuzhan Vong fought much better than the Chiss had believed such a small fleet was capable of.


Thrawn fought for the Chiss, knew them too.


Then, about your 'Has George Lucas confirmed this?' question:

George doesn't.

I think you believe George plays and reads everything SW related and approved or disapproves this. In fact, it goes much different. There are several persons who watch for continuity (cameo's in comics, facts etc) and they approve. And what sources is stronger?

G-canon is George Lucas Canon. Movies, everything GL has said overwrites all other material.

T-canon, or Television Canon. All the cartoons, also Holiday special.

C-canon is Continuity Canon. Comics, books, everything really.

S-canon is Secondary Canon. Several older stories or comics. For example, one describes Obi-Wan as already old around the time of Episode 2, with grey hair and all. Outdated and bested by newer C,T or G canon.

N is Non-Canon. Supershadow, fanfics, fanon.


So, to answer your post:

No. The Vong appear for the first time in C-canon. But do realise, it is LEGAL. Only S and N are discarded.

But several stuff is inserted in the new trilogy or the remastered movies. Dash Rendar from a SW video game appears in the DVD release of Episode 4.

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I didn't mean like if it was confirmed by george lucas just like the people in charge of it and it does sort of make sense, as soon as i heard about these 'true sith' i immediately thought dark jedi with some complications that i couldn't work out, and when i read about the sith race i thought hey this fits in nicely except for a few facts concerning the sith race, the fact that a sith lord managed to escape and with other lords with his title rank is concerning especially when he is the emperor i think that title shows just a small proportion of what he is really capable of, although don't you think that their is just more than just a power sith being re-stored to full health and ready to wreck havoc upon the republic at the right time kinda dull compard to the kotor stories so far? Don't you sense that the sith race have something to do with this like a middle or major part? I mean the producers always have something up their sleeves ^^, like the player being Revan in K.O.T.OR and in K.O.T.OR 2, finding out who Kreia really was although i guess most players knew she was really evil anyway the title of darth traya didn't really mean much i mean her attitude really pointed it out lol.

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