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I really need weapons help

Darth Essence

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So, I have modelled my new disruptor rifle, I have had a two-day long headache trying to discover how to put the rifle in game, how to make all the textures appear, how to position it properly so it isn't pointing to the right, everything is okay, it is looking very nice in game. But there is a tiny little problem - the freakin' laser is coming out of the players legs. What's wrong with that thing?!?!?! .. Any ideas ?

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I'm not exactly an expert when it comes to JA weapons, but first thing i would check is the muzzle tag (or whatever it's called for player weapons). It basically tells the engine where the "projectile" comes out.


Load the model into modview and check the "firing" tag, make sure it's located in the proper position. If the tag is out of place it means the pivot point is screwed up, if that's the case, it looks fine in the modeling software but when exported the xform issue shows up.

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uuhkeiy .. by bolding you mean adding a mesh and attaching it to the tag or smthn ?

I have tried

-attaching the tag to gun mesh

-moving the tag up

-rotating the tag

-renaming the tag

-made the tag renderable in game where it was seen where it should be

-compared it to the original disruptor one more time

-taking the completed gun and adding fresh tags

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