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Super black hole confirmed to be at centre of Milky Way


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Source; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7774287.stm


Interesting confirmation, though generally it has been accepted in astro-physics for a number of years. What are people's thoughts on this discovery?


This thread is solely to do with science and people's thoughts on this confirmation, if people want to discuss any religious aspects to this, please post a new topic in Hot Topics Sub forum - j7


Well, it basically just confirms what we already "knew." Nonetheless, still pretty cool. Something to add to the textbooks, for sure.

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Also I am interested to see what you people have on 'dimensions'.

M-brane theory? Best account for the missing degenerate matter in a Black Hole that's causing all that gravity. Problem is it being a leap from (possibly) incomplete Quantum physics. Superstrings attempts to solve the latter (equivalent) possibility.


The Hyperphysics website is a great general pointer for anything to do with physics. It can provide the specific genre material for further research within a matter of a few links. If looking for detailed explanations (rather than say, math research) try the Physicsforums website, though keep in mind opinions will vary even among the intensely qualified...about everything.

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The article seemed to be pretty vague about the study itself, it said that they tracked 28 stars over the span of 16 years and that this proved that their was a black hole at the center of the milky way. I'm going to to assume that that means that the paths of the stars indicated an outside force was "pulling" on them.


Is this the case or can someone enlighten me, also if someone else has addressed this, my bad, but I didn't see a post about it. I'm new here so you'll have to bear with me, interesting stuff though. I think I'll end up doing some research later on, I'm a bit ignorant on the subject.

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Results are correlated with interferometry, gravitational lensing and all other methods of attaining observational data. All skeptics are routinely invited to test any published results, which are inherently open to public debate of a strictly scientific nature.


Scientific publications can indeed tend to be slightly sensationalistic, in that they will often take data researchers have known about for decades and make a big hoohah about it, calling it a new finding because some university student used it in a curriculum thesis, or just to sell some issues, or just because the journalist was bored.


Science journals are however an excellent way for researchers to ensure credit for a particular finding or a confirmation on an old piece of data.

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