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The Company

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Chapter 1


Cato Neimodia

1200 Hours

Third Year of the Clone Wars

2 Weeks after Order 66




"Move! Move! Move!" Shouted Clone Master Sergeant Vey as his men sprinted towards a small alcove in the urban battleground.


Blasterfire rocketed toward their position from all directions, and Vey could hear the shrill whistles of the blasterfire speed past his head.


Vey made it to the alcove first, he then turned around and sprayed several rounds of his DC-15 rifle at the oncoming enemy. This enemy was not a droid, though. It was a company of Clone Shocktroopers.


Vey grabbed one of his men's shoulders and heaved the man down behind cover as several shots went right over there heads.


"Private Jax, how many do you count?"


Jax took a few deep breaths to calm down, "Fifteen, Sarge. More than us, should we retreat back to company HQ , or what's left of it?"


Vey shook his head. He then looked at the Shock Troopers in their bright red armor, slowly advancing on their position.


"We've got to hold here. Get me Gunnery Sergeant Valez over here."


The private nodded and began sprinting to another pile of rubble where Valez sat firing.


Vey took out a small smoke grenade and tossed it at the shock troopers. One of the red-clad troopers squealed as the grenade landed toward him and jumped to cover.


"Dumb, flash-trained probably." Vey said to himself as the smoke blinded the shocktroopers.


Valez crouched in his gray-green armor next to Vey.


"What is it, Vey? You need me?"


"Yeah, is your comm working? Mine went out at Checkpoint Alpha."


"Yep, it's working, what do you need?"


"I'm going to need a larty, a gunship, we need extraction, and soon."


Valez nodded, "I'll do it, Vey, but Company my not be able to supply, we're on the run."


"I know, Valez, do it anyway, we're Airbourne, this is what we do."


Valez nodded and sprinted toward the back of the alcove for better reception and cover.


"Covering fire, boys! Hold until the extraction!"


The nine other clone airbourne shouted happily in the HUD comm system.


Blue blasterfire rippled through the gray smoke that concealed the Shocktroopers' positions.


Suddenly, the red shocktroopers charged, and landed right on Vey's position. One of the enemy troopers leaped towards Vey.


Vey sidestepped the attack and vibro-bladed the trooper in the stomach as he flew past. Another trooper opened up with a pistol.


Vey ran toward the man and knocked the pistol aside. He then grasped his neck and squeezed as hard as he could. The trooper's arms and legs wriggled around in circles as he struggled for breath. Then another trooper pushed Vey off and prepared to pound Vey with his fist. The Clone Sergeant smiled as he jump-kicked the trooper before he could get his punch off. Vey heard an exhale of air as the trooper flung himself to the ground.


Vey then looked at the first trooper he was choking and took out his vibro-knife again, finishing the job.


Vey grabbed his rifle and retreated to Valez's position.


"Vey, I'm almost through getting that gunship, ETA is around 2 minutes. We've got to be at point oh-five by that time, or they leave without us, got it, Vey?"


Vey nodded as he squeezed off a couple of shots into the smoke.


"We've got no time to lose. Men!! Let's regroup at point oh-five! Extraction!!"


The nine other troopers stood and began running towards that position. Vey tapped Valez on the shoulder and the two sergeants began running too.


They couldn't speak at the speed they were going, not to mention that the shock-troopers weren't far behind as they ran through the rubble strewn city of the capital of Cato Neimodia.


Vey and Valez made it safely to the extraction point with his men. They could hear the gunship's engines as they went tump..tump..tump...


Suddenly, the pursuing shock troopers turned around the corner of one of the buildings that was around 100 meters away. Vey jumped to the ground and fired his DC-15 at the approaching troops. His men did the same, pinnin the shocktroopers down at about 90 meters away.


The gunship had arrived and Vey looked up at it's emblazoned name on the side: The Black Falcon.


Vey motioned for his troops to mount up. The laser-turrets on the side of the gunship further compromised the enemy's positions, and they retreated slowly. The enemy knew that they were unable to compete with that firepower.


Valez hopped on the gunship first and mounted up on a small E-web blaster cannon that was set up in the back of the gunship. Jax jumped in second and grabbed a handrail. The eight other airbourn soldiers did the same.


Vey was the last aboard and he began forming a small debrief in his brain on the mission.


Objective: Recon Objective: Completed...Mission success, thought Vey. His thoughts were interupted as Private Jax spoke.


"I still can't believe what's happened."


Vey cocked an eyebrow at this, "What do you mean, Jax?"


"I just can't believe that the Jedi are gone, that the Republic is gone, and now were fighting our brothers."


"We're not fighting our brothers. If they were our brothers, they'd be in this gunship with us. It's surprising, yes, but we're doing the right thing."


"I hope so, Sarge, I hope so."


Jax looked back at the smoking cityscape as the gunship flew past.


Though Vey had not let anyone know, Vey couldn't believe the situation either. He was very much hurt by his Republic's betrayal, and the brave men lost for such a useless cause as this "New Empire." He knew that his men hated this new Empire, but they still had friends back with the remnants of the 1st Airbourne that hadn't rebelled. That's what had happened, the entirety of A company of the 1st Airbourne had rebelled. Something that couldn't be ignored. Now, the newly formed 1st Shocktrooper division was hunting them down, trying to make an example of them. But Vey knew this wouldn't happen. Vey wouldn't let this happen.


Vey couldn't help but feel sad as he remembered that the commander of the 1st Airbourne, Commander Sel, wanted to rebel. But his stubborn loyalty to the chain of command prevented the Commander from doing so. But Vey knew there was still hope, there was still time to avenge the deaths of the brave Jedi that had led them so many times to victory.


Yeah, thought Vey, Those were definately good times now.


Vey closed his eyes and tried his best to remember the days of their early victories, before the Chancellor began to show his own colors...

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3 years earlier...





H hour

Day 1 of the Clone Wars




Sergeant First Class CT4100, or better known to his friends as Vey, stood with his platoon inside the dark gunship. It was silent as the troopers prepared themselves for their mission, as they were all nervous.


Vey could see streaks of orange colored terrain through the small openings in the gunships armor, but he could see little else besides flashes of light. He could hear the continous thunk thunk of anti-aircraft flak shells exploding near by.


The gunship rocked quickly towards the right and then to the left as a couple of flak shells exploded extremely close to the ship. All of the men fell over eachother as the ship rocked about, Vey included.


Vey tried his best to stabilize where he was standing and he grabbed a handrail. A finger tapped his shoulder.


"Sergeant Vey, are you nervous?"


Vey looked up," Yes, Private Jax, nervous as I'll ever be. Everyone here is pretty nervous, isn't that right?"


The other Airbourne soldiers all nodded or spoke in agreement.


Vey spoke again, "Don't worry, Jax. We were trained for this moment. Stay close, men, and we can all make it through this alive."


All of the men visibly became more confident when their sergeant spoke. They knew that Vey would try his best.


Suddenly, a bright green light showed in the dark gunship.


"Drop zone incoming! Prepare for drop!" Shouted the pilot.


Vey nodded affirmatively.


"Alright men! Gear up and get those tags attached! Let's move!"


The Clone Airbourne all took out specified tags that would enable their jetpacks to function correctly and guide them down. Their nervousness was no longer visible, they seemed confident in what they were doing.


Suddenly, the gunships doors opened, and everyone was temporarily blinded by the bright light of Geonosis. The light quickly faded and Vey saw the battelfield for what it was.


There were firefights and artillery going off on multiple positions around large droid core ships and evacuation craft.


Corporal Valez spoke up.


"Hey, we got 'em on the run!" He shouted.


The men all shouted and cheered as they watched one of the core ships explode.


Suddenly a blue hologram appeared in the center of the gunship. The hologram was that of Mace Windu, one of the head Jedi Generals.


"Troopers of the first Airbourne battalion. Here are you're drop zone coordinates. Execute your objectives as quickly as possible and rally at staging area 17. Commence immediatley. May the force be with you."


The blue hologram shorted out and small coordinate numbers popped up on everyone's helmet's Heads Up Display, or HUD.


Vey stepped forward toward the edge of the gunship and looked at his men.


Private Jax asked a sudden question, "Sir, are we ready for battle?"


Vey nodded," We're Airbourne, this is what we do."


Right after finishing the sentence, Vey fell backwards into the orange winds of Geonosis. All of his men quickly jumped after.


Vey pulled himself into a quick dive and stared at the burning terrain below. The drop zone was a ways off, but a diving start was necessary to make the distance.


Unbelievably, small bits of ice began forming on Vey's visor as he jetted straight down. He rubbed the ice off quickly and savored the feeling of speeding through the air.


It was amazing.


Vey grunted and activated his jetpack, jetting him faster down. He pulled up on the controls and changed direction quickly upward. He could feel the G's crushing his body as he did, but the armor prevented himself from passing out. He activated another control and wings popped out of the pack. Vey started steering as hard as he could toward the green high-lighted drop zone near one of the Core ships.


"WWOOOOOOOOOHOOOOO!! YEAH, BABY! THIS IS GREAT!" Shouted one of the Clone Airbourne behind Vey.


Vey smiled and accelerated to an estimated 600 miles per hour. Of course, it took a toll on the pack and it's compressed amount of fuel, but the pack was built for one mission, and one mission only.


Even through the sound-dampening helmet, Vey could hear the air rushing past his face.


The drop zone got closer and closer.


1000 meters, 900 meters, 800 meters thought Vey, 700.....600....


A sudden drop of altitude changed the charts dramatically, almost dangerously.


"Oy...I'm at 300 meters, gotta slow down..." Vey said to himself.


If he couldn't slow down, he'd smash himself along the canyon walls of Geonosis, quickly ending his career. But Vey had no intention of that.


He did something that no manual or trainer would never tell you to do.


He shut off the pack.


A quick kuthhhh and Vey knew that he was gliding. Vey dropped altitude again, driving into the canyons. He had to manuever quickly and carefully here.


He moved to the right...to the left...to the right again....and down. His speed had dropped greatly, and now the drop zone was near. Vey smiled, but then he looked at his speedometer and realized something.


He wasn't going fast enough to reach the drop zone.


He began to panic as he he plummet/glided towards a canyon spire..a canyone spire that had a bunker in it...a bunker with battle ready Geonosion bugs.


"Oh dear..." said Vey.


He almost laughed as he saw the look of surprise on the Geonosion's face as he smashed through the plexiglass window and spread the bugs insides across the walls inside the bunker. But he couldn't laught because he slammed into the same wall.


THRAK-CRUUUNCHH and Vey slumped slowly to the ground. His HUD was fuzzy with static, but the technology quickly recovered and steadied itself.


"Sarge! You alright?" Corporal Valez said through the Comm system.


Vey smiled as he tried to stand, "I'm fine, Valez. Just need a listen in finding better directions."


Valez chuckled, "Well sir, I guess you're alright, will you be able to meet us at the drop zone?"


Vey looked on as his brothers flew through the flak and explosion filled sky.

I wonder how I managed to avoid all that flak? thought Vey.


"Yeah, I can meet you over there, it may take a bit, but I'll make it."


"That's good to hear, Sarge. See ya at the DZ!"


Valez signed off the comm and continued towards the drop zone.


Vey stood and loaded his blaster rifle.


"Yeah, heheh,"Vey said to himself, "Just me versus a thousand some-ought droids and Geonosions."


Vey smiled as he thought about the odds.


"Heh, this is gonna be easy!"






End of Chapter 2

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Nice chapter, but I have one question. If Vey was traveling at such a high air speed (nearly 600 miles/hour) how did he loose so much speed in so little time? He should have lost it a lot slower than he did I think....


Thats all I really have to say, other than it was a good chapter!

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Thanks Rev! Well, I sort've reduced it to the fact that Vey's armor and pack would contribute to the speed loss when he shut off his pack, but you're probably right that h should've lost it a bit slower. I was also thinking that at 600 mph, he would be traveling a great distance, which would've contributed to it as well. Thanks for the feedback, Rev!

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Vey surveyed the small bunker that he had crashed into. The inhabitants were now dead, thanks to Vey's jetpack and its volatile nature, but if this bunker was attached to a tunnel system, then once Vey opened the iron door, there would be alot more Seps to deal with.


"Well, might as well take things one step at a time." Vey said.


The Airbourne Sergeant assembled the small fold-up DC-15 automatic rifle, specially fitted for the airbourne. He checked the magazine and walked slowly to the iron door. He put a hand on the handle, and pulled the door open quickly.


There was no trigger-happy Sep waiting for him nor a dumb droid, not even a Geonosion warrior.


Vey relaxed and walked casually out into the tunnel system, just in time to get tackled by a hidden geonosion.


"What the.." Vey said as the insect-like creature began trying to strangle him.


Vey moved quickly and swang his body forward, sending the Geonosion over his shoulder. He hefted his DC-15 and prepared to fire. But the Geonosion wasn't going to let him get out easily. It stood and screamed a war cry that sounded like a combination of a crashing shuttle and a broken instrument.


Vey pulled the trigger and spread the bug's insides across the wall behind it. But then he heard something that made his blood go cold.


More war cries coming from down the orange rock tunnel.


He could also hear the beating of wings and several clank clanks coming from some battle droids. The first Geonosion had warned them.


"Blast it all!" Shouted Vey. He equipped a frag grenade and started the timer.


He had approximately 6 seconds before it exploded.


The sounds came closer.


5.... He thought.


He could hear the voices of the droids louder now.




The clanking was growing louder now.




The Geonosions had begun screaming war cries as they knew Vey was there.




The tunnel was so loud it seemed that the whole Seperatist army was right on top of him.




Vey tossed it, with one second to spare, and it landed in the exact middle of the Geonosion and droid column. Vey shielded his head and listened to the deafening boom.


Yellow liquid and metal pieces flew all over the place, scratching and painting Vey's armor. Then everything was silent.


Vey smiled and stood, wiping off his armor. He looked around the corner to see the inevitable carnage and realized....


....That there were two columns of droids and bugs.



"Oh blast...RRRAAAGHHHHH!!!!"


Vey charged straight into the semi-surprised Sep column, firing as he went.

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Good chap, Commander.


The third to last sentence was a bit confusing. I think you may have left out a word accidentally.

Originally Posted by CommanderQ

....That there two columns of droids and bugs.


Did you leave out 'were' possibly?


Other than that, the only complaint I have is why wasn't it longer?

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Nice nice nice. With Fish when I say it sucks how it's so short but anyways ... Looking forward to the next chap.


After reading entire New Jedi Order series and now onto the Dark Nest trilogy, you'd think I'd get sick of reading Star Wars stories with bugs in them, but ... nope ... I'm liking this story :D

Keep it up!

THAT'S AN ORDER!!!!! :lol:

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Alright, in order to make up for the shortness of the last chapter, here is another action-packed chap in the same day{though somewhat short sadly}:D So without further ado...





Vey blasted the first droid easily, he then quickly adjusted his fire onto the other droids and Geonosions, how many he had hit though, he did not know. The battle droids began to assess the situation and began returning fire.


As dumb as the droids were, Vey knew that he could not stand in the open with their firepower. He quickly dove for cover behind a pile-up of Geonosion bodies and droid parts. It wasn't much, but it provided some sort of cover.


Vey could feel the heat of the blaster shots even through his helmet as they zipped past his face. Vey peeked over the small pile to get a count on how many his opponents were. He looked for a couple seconds, but droid fire forced him back into cover.


Vey had counted around 15 bugs and 10 droids, a number that made him worry, even if half of the enemy didn't know how to fight. Vey looked at his grenades.


No, it'll kill me too at this range...thought Vey. He would have to "rough it" as he used to say during training on Kamino.


He peeked his rifle over the pile and began firing fully-automatic rounds in all directions. He could hear the scream of one Geonosion plus the explosions of the droids{not to mention the parts that had become shrapnel}.


Vey peeked his head over. A Geonosion saw him and lifted a small weapon that Vey couldn't identify. The Geonosion fired, and Vey's ears popped and began to hurt as he was hit with the sonic rifle. His helmet controls went blank and HUD showed nothing. His helmet was out of the battle. He pulled it off and tossed at the Geonosions for a temporary distraction. He then stood and fired off a couple rounds, taking the Geonosion down with a couple of the droids. He did a quick survey of how many Seps were left. He looked around.


I count 7 bugs down....3 droids...10 less, but the odds haven't changed, thought Vey.


The Sergeant pulled out a smoke grenade and tossed it into the center of the tunnel. It went out with a poof and everything turned into a cloud of grey.


Vey ran into it and was met face-to-face with spear armed Geonosion Elite.


The bug lunged at him with the spear, Vey avoided it and pushed it past him as the Geonosion kept lunging. Vey then hit the Geonosion in the head with the butt of his rifle, sending the bug to the ground, but not killing it. The Geonosion looked at him angrily from the ground and used one of its long legs to kick Vey in the chest, forcing him to drop the rifle as he fell to the ground.


Vey had the wind knocked out of him with the unknown power of the kick and he struggled for breath. He tried to stand, but the bug was faster and knocked him in the head with bottom of the spear, sending Vey to the ground again.


Vey noticed that his legs were the closest weapon he had to the bug, so he quickly swung around, tripping the Geo to the ground once again. Vey moved fast and grabbed the bug's neck and began to punch it in the face continuosly, brawl style. The bug took several hits before smacking Vey back down again.


The Trooper put a hand to his mouth, and it came back bloody, and he spat out a tooth. He stood and ejected his vibro-knife just as the Geonosion brandished its spear.


Vey sprinted at the bug, outrunning the spear as it flew at his chest. He then plunged the blade into the Geonosion's face, spurting a yellowish-green liquid all over his hand. At the same time, Vey batted away the spear as it came within inches of his chest.


The Bug wobble back and forth, trying to stay in the fight, but sadly, not many things can't fight well without a head, and the bug collapsed back on the bodies of some of the other bugs.


The smoke had cleared and Vey snatched up of his rifle. The remaining bugs began to back away slowly. Fear was in their eyes, and then the fear took over and the bugs began flying as fast as they could away from Vey.


Vey looked closer at the Elite he had just killed, and he found out why the bugs had fled. He had just killed one of the Elite Guardsmen of the Archduke's personal guard, a very high ranking individual. Vey stooped down and ripped off the small epaulet that signified this. Another war trophy.


He hadn't forgotten the remaining droids, though. He turned and leveled the rifle at the 7 remaining droids.


One spoke up,"Target acquired. Objective: Destroy. Roger Roger."


The droid was about to fire, but Vey was much much faster. He moved quickly to the side, spraying the droids with shots.


The droids stood silent for a moment, surprised you could call it, and then smoke began to rise from the holes the blaster shots had gone through. Then, like any good action holovid, all the droids fell down slowly.


Vey smiled and began walking back down the tunnel towards what he thought might be an exit tunnel.


"Well, that was fun."

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