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kotor's Tsl involvment


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My new MOD for kotor is going to set up TSL in some ways as i am going to add side quests about sion,treia and nihillus.


After the leviathen there will be a man on korriban in the cantina when you speak with him he will tell you of each sith lord and that they are much stronger than malak and will invlove boarding the ravenger(nihilus's ship wich will probobly be a reskined leviathen and maybe a few new modules)and fighting with nihilus. How i will get round not killing revan or nihillus is make it so that revan thinks he drained the force from nihillus but in actual fact he failed, he just wounded him badly hense him wearing the mask and robes.


Tell me what you think and feel free to ask about helping cos i have a feeling i aint gonna be able to do this myself.

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My new MOD for kotor is going to set up TSL in some ways as i am going to add side quests about sion,treia and nihillus.


After the leviathen there will be a man on korriban in the cantina when you speak with him he will tell you of each sith lord and that they are much stronger than malak and will invlove boarding the ravenger(nihilus's ship wich will probobly be a reskined leviathen and maybe a few new modules)and fighting with nihilus. How i will get round not killing revan or nihillus is make it so that revan thinks he drained the force from nihillus but in actual fact he failed, he just wounded him badly hense him wearing the mask and robes.


Tell me what you think and feel free to ask about helping cos i have a feeling i aint gonna be able to do this myself.


I like the idea... but for it to flow with the storyline of both kotor and tsl... I'd recommend not putting anything in there like a person telling you about the sith lords.... darth malak is supposed to be THE strongest in the eyes of the game. So what I would do is maybe have revan meet the exile in the game or have the jedi masters in dantooine mention something about the other dark lords... or maybe even have it in the dantooine archive computer under a security encrypted lock making the user use spikes to see the information on them. You could also add in the end a cutscene that shows a sith flag ship comming towards the disabled star forge... and maybe vandar at the end could say "I sense a rift in the force" or something like that. Anyway, I'm interested to see how this mod turns out... and i hope my suggestions can help. :D


Also I like the idea of the ravenger... that would put a bit of mystery into the game and would add some much needed module space... you could also at the end of the mission, before you leave the ravenger, after defeating nihlius, you could have the character plant explosives which would show how nihlius's ship got so damaged. :D

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I'm glad I could help, good luck with your modification. :D


Just make sure you remember that the canonical exile is light side female, and that she would have some what of a grudge against, Revan for setting her up at Malachor. And, he did that because she was his strongest opponent in becoming Darth Revan, Dark Lord of the Sith. Now, that Revan is a Jedi, again, it will be up to the Exile, who sat out the Jedi Civil War, is powerless, and still has to forgive Revan. I'm not sure she would be too willing to help him, against Jedi who once served her at Malachor and also opposed Revan.

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