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Wearable Juhani Clothing

Rtas Vadum

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  Readme said:

Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic

Wearable Juhani Clothing



Author: Rtas Vadum

Mod Type: Default Clothing Change


Description: Changes the default clothing to use Juhani's clothing style. It includes either her default texture, or reskins of it.


Installation: Drop the .mdl and .mdx files into your override. Then chose which skin you want to use, and drop the files from the appropriate folder into your override. Do NOT put the files from both folders into your override.


Uninstall: Remove the files from your override.



Myself, for the reskins

Fred Tera, for the great KOTOR Tool program.


Very simply this allows female pc's to wear juhani's clothing as the default pc clothing. Both my reskinned textures and the default Juhani texture is included to use.


Screenshot: http://rtas_vadum.webs.com/KOTORMods/Juhaniclothing.JPG


Download link: http://rtas_vadum.webs.com/KOTORMods/Wearable%20Juhani%20Clothing.rar


KOTORFiles link: http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/Wearable_Juhani_Clothing;97469

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