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Tell You I Will 3.01


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Guest Luke Skywalker

I hate the pentagon, they lie so mcuh. But oh well CNN should be the people to cover up conspiracys because they would immediatley balme it on the stock market and pretend to make a story out of it anyways. I think we should just make it a big crater that way no one can live there.


Who likes Conan O brien?

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Guest Tie Guy

I didn't have enough room on my hard-drive for both that AND RA2 AND XWA AND JK AND all the other stuff i have on my HD, so i took off AOK. Well, i have enough room, i just don't like to use it all because it decreases performance.


When am i gonna get a new comp?

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Guest Admiral Odin

probably not.


Why is it when a person doesn't speak our language we humans think talking slower and louder will make the understand?

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