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MOD request: Republic officer hat [K1]


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I found a mod that gives you a republic helmet; however I have a mod that makes carth dress as a republic officer. is it possible, and would someone be willing, to make a mod that allows you to wear a republic officer's hat, or would using KSE work?



Darth Calo

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I'll give this a go. :)


Check back later for an update. ;)




The only Republic Officer I can remember wearing a hat in K1 is Admiral Dodonna...


Her hair and the hat were the same mesh, so there's not really a complete hat there, just the parts that the hair didn't "cover" in the game.


I've got rid of the hair, and tried my best to get the hat into some sort of wearable item, but there's a bit of clipping...


It works, but Revan looks like a bit of a fool wearing it.


I'll do some more work on it though.

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unless I am mistaken the Republic Negotiator on Manaan and the Republic Diplomat (Same character model..."Republic_Officer_Mal_White_01" if I remember correctly from KSE) I realize that simply changing the appearance would work but there is the issue of them being headless when I am in the same module, due to the game seeing the head on my character's body and not replicating it...or something.

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