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Requesting map D1G1T4L_Homeland


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Hey guys I decided to reinstall JK2:JO today to make some maps because I used to do that like 5 years ago and it was quite fun. I made a map called D1G1T4L_Homeland back in 2003/2004 and uploaded it to a couple of the map hosting sites back then, but I cant seem to find it anymore because I reformatted and must have thrown out the CD I had kept it on. Just wondering if anyone is able to find it for me I would really appreciate it :)



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rofl yeh it's not a good map in terms of actual gameplay. but as a first time map when I was 13 I think it's still pretty spectacular lol.

Mostly all the secret things, like in the big dining hall did you notice the buttons at the 'king' chair on the table edge, 3 of them. push them and they kill whoever is sitting in the other chairs.

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