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German WW2 Game


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There's a scene in Schindler's List where Ralph Fiennes snipes at "lazy" Jewish workers. Why not a game based on that?

It is already so long with the Jews and Christians. I want to say something against anybody, but religion is one of the worst "inventions" of man. You see so what is happening.



I play SW Republic Commando and Turok Seeds of Evil. For me as a player of adventures FPS are actually meaningless.

I would also like to play comfortably. And I don´t like death / time press scenes in adventures. Full Throttle is an exception. It´s an action-adventure but in a completely different way. FT is amazing! Not the best adventure, but brilliant. :thmbup1:

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It is already so long with the Jews and Christians. I want to say something against anybody, but religion is one of the worst "inventions" of man. You see so what is happening.

At the risk of going horribly off-topic and derailing this into an endless debate... what has religion got to do with it? The Jews in the Second World War weren't prosecuted as a religious group, but as an ethnic group. Furthermore, people of several Christian denominations were sent to concentration and destruction camps, and I wouldn't exactly call the Nazis "Christians".

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You know, I began to think about it....and Hitler's persecution of Jews, Christians, and other ethnic groups, was not out of hatred of them, but it was in an effort to combine the German people{and create something very very bad}


After WW1, Germany was going through the worst economic time in their history, and then Hitler came along, and pointed the finger of blame at the Jews, and the other 'inferiors,' as he called them, and they were charged with the failure of WW1. By doing this, he combined the German people in hatred against the alleged 'traitors' and 'inferiors.' So, we can't say he had something specifically against the Jews, as he saw them not as an ethnic or religious enemy, but as a stepping stone to power. Of course, his Aryan beliefs may have had a hand in it...


Just an opinion I'm exploring...

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I think you have a point, CommanderQ. Hitler was probably very much an opportunist. At the time, it was already sort of fashionable to hate Jews, and he capitalized on that.


As for religion in general, if it didn't exist, people would find some other reason to hate each other for. It's human nature, in a sense.

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Hitler was a traitor. Not the Jews!


OH NO! I didn't mean it like that!


If you look again, you will see that I used the word 'alleged,' in other words accused. Hitler merely pointed a finger at an innocent party, as I said, for his own gain.


Indeed, Hitler was the deciever and the traitor, not the Jews. I didn't mean for it to sound like I was saying the Jews were the traitors, as I said, 'alleged', accused, doesn't mean they were actually traitors.

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Maybe. But people who think they are good people cuz they´re very religious are not that good people. Nothing against anybody.

Oh yeah, I totally agree with you there. You can judge people by their deeds more than by their words. Or better yet, don't judge people at all.

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