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Dance for the Hutt tweak idea

Darth Cryptic

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Please keep in mind I really should be sleeping when i came up with this idea before you brick me to death:


What i propose is a tweak to the Dance for the Hutt mini-quest in TSL. It would allow for males to dance for the Hutt. With it would of course come a new set of dancer garb, say black speedo's and a bow tie. And maybe a top hat. You'd be able to get Atton and Mic, and your male self to dance. Mandalor would refuse flat out, likely using his "I don't have to do nothing" line.


I bounced the idea off a friend and they said that the Hutt might not be interested in that, but i pointed out Hutts are hermaphrodites, and it is conceivable that it's in a She cycle and wants herself some beefcake.

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Hutts are hermaphrodites, and it is conceivable that it's in a She cycle and wants herself some beefcake.


xD I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read this...luckily I didn't or the people in the school's library would've probably yelled at me...


I actually think that'd be pretty damn funny. I had wondered what would happen if you're a male PC, and you get to the Vogga thing...


[Note, that since I'm currently playing KOTOR - not TSL, I haven't gotten there yet.]


This would be a definite DL for me, just because I'm weird like that....

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I don't know what you could change mod wise as far as getting this to happen, but one thing you could try,


Using KSE before you get to the dance for Vogga part on NarShadda you could change all the genders of your male characters to female and then see if the dialogue options let you choose Atton or Bao or Disciple. It probebly won't with those 3 but YOU might be able to if you change your gender to female but not your model appearance.


Worth a try anyways and if it works then skin a dancer outfit for your character or get someone too.


With the other 3 males you would probably have to do some dialouge editing just to get their names to pop up



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I don't know what you could change mod wise as far as getting this to happen, but one thing you could try,


Using KSE before you get to the dance for Vogga part on NarShadda you could change all the genders of your male characters to female and then see if the dialogue options let you choose Atton or Bao or Disciple. It probably won't with those 3 but YOU might be able to if you change your gender to female but not your model appearance.


Worth a try anyways and if it works then skin a dancer outfit for your character or get someone too.


With the other 3 males you would probably have to do some dialogue editing just to get their names to pop up




-slaps forehead-

I forgot about that feature with KSE! It's a starting place.

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