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Let's play JA @ (May 23-28)


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Anyway, I know the real reason you won't play me is because you know I'll

mop the floor with you


Touché, good sir.


The most major reasons for me is the controls. I have played xbox JA so long now, every sweep and strike is second nature to me. I get on PC and it just hurts me inside to see me doing exactly what I don't want to be doing.


Also the hassle of installing, getting the mods etc.


And do you mean Siege as in the gametype? We have that on xbox if you do, though it's rarely played, and even then mostly just to fight rancors.

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Touché, good sir.


The most major reasons for me is the controls. I have played xbox JA so long now, every sweep and strike is second nature to me. I get on PC and it just hurts me inside to see me doing exactly what I don't want to be doing.


Aw, quit yer whining, you can hook an Xbox controller to a PC and have your inferior controls. ;)


Ex: http://techgage.com/article/xbox_360_controller_for_windows/





Also the hassle of installing, getting the mods etc.


It's not a hassle at all. Getting mods is one of the great things about PC gaming, vs. console. However I'm not asking anyone to jump through any hoops, because I've linked to all the "mods" I'm using (just some maps, which don't take long to download on broadband, and can install in four clicks).


If you could learn to master JA with a controller, you can master installing programs and downloading and unzipping pk3's. ;)


And do you mean Siege as in the gametype? We have that on xbox if you do, though it's rarely played, and even then mostly just to fight rancors.


Sorry, I thought Siege wasn't included. I swear one of the gametypes was left off. Maybe I'm wrong.


It's rarely played because people don't want to play with uneven teams and you can't start a game alone. But on the PC you can install bots to get a game going until people show up. It's pure psychology and always works.


Anyway, I'm not here to debate why you should get the PC version. It's just that you can't ever play with us if you stay on the console!

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Touché, good sir.


The most major reasons for me is the controls. I have played xbox JA so long now, every sweep and strike is second nature to me. I get on PC and it just hurts me inside to see me doing exactly what I don't want to be doing.


Also the hassle of installing, getting the mods etc.


And do you mean Siege as in the gametype? We have that on xbox if you do, though it's rarely played, and even then mostly just to fight rancors.


I've been using a gamepad for eons and used to regularly destroy Kurgan when we played. As well as a lot of other people.


Kurgan: sadly, I can't do it right now... got craploads of work to do.


Eh, it's wireless anyway.

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I guess the last game was a bit laggier than usual because I set a demo to record and forgot to shut it down. I apologize!


Anyway, I'm preparing to bring the server up again for today, watch for it (identical IP)!


Players we've had so far:


Squidman, JuMer, Nedak, Lathain, Prime, and some Padawans.

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Okay, well I forgot to post, but the game ended about 12 hours ago. I'm about to bring it back up again for the last time (until my classes are over June 1st).


So unless Lathain or somebody else wants to host a server and post the IP here, this is IT tonight!


I highly recommend that somebody does run a server, with no holds barred...


There are already a TON of servers out there that are "honor based" and limit force (to jump and saber based powers, except throw), use 'honor mods' like JA+, and take away all weapons.... they basically abuse the FFA maps as arenas to chat and duel in. What a waste.


The other type of servers is the empty Siege server. I imagine these are used by clans, because they sit empty for hours and hours (no bots, because they don't have OJP) and many are password protected.


I WOULD have hosted Siege this month, but I keep getting the "recursive error after MAX_CVARS" thing. I removed all mods except OJP and I removed all extraneous cfg files, but I still get that error. I still don't know what's going on. I never seemed to get it back in the day using OJP and basejka. Anyway, perhaps in the future if I ever rent a server again we can do that no problem.


So, I'll see you in game soon, and MTFBWY!


PS: IP is the same as in the thread title.

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