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Request for modders for my Expanded Galaxy mod


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hahaha..I get ya.. dun worry the mod we're working on is a mando conversion mod for K1.

We replaced the neo-crusader models with Shock Trooper Armor along with some other "stuff".. shhh its a secret. hahaha :p

Its currently in its beta testing phase... won't be long till its out.


Oh yeah.. btw got any idea what a crusader MK II armor looks like?

The ones I can find on the net are MKIII armor.

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Does that mean you, Mirdala, and Canderis are gonna be able to work? I have no clue what MKII is like, but (for K1) ANY MIX BETWEEN IT AND A NEO-CRUSADER WILL WORK. I would like to see the stuff you are working on (Pm me), it could help with some good stuff for EG.

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I'm not speaking for the rest of the guys but i think i can find some time to pitch in abit.

However its not confirmed.. I still have my doubts about it. Like canderis said.. "If the team's lookin good I'll join in.." or something to that effect. :)



The mod is looking very much like a T/C. A very huge..not to mention ambitious Total Conversion... considering the amount of scripting and modeling.. It looks like a hell lot of it... XD..


insufficient people on the mod = longer time taken = another abandoned project.


3-4 man team ain't gonna cut it.. especially if modellers/skinners/scripters are majorly lacking.. those guys are the most essential... storyline can be done by one or two guys...(no offence) but modeling and etc etc etc takes time.. unless you have a team of pros doing it, that is.

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Well then, I need people.

How do I get people?

How do I learn how to mod without any help?

How am I supposed to get this farther without other people doing something?

Why are you posting on forums instead of transferring the TSL Models to K1? (No offense)

These are questions that need answers

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Ok... I'll play along..


1: Ask veteran modders who have been doing this longer than I have. Check kotorfiles

and other modding sites for mods that are similar to yours. Look up their names here at

Lucas forums. Ask them NICELY, maybe they'll let you use their works or even help out

with your mod.


2: I picked up all i know about modding from the tutorials from Holowan Labs and

KotorFiles. It's not hard.. just takes time to get used to it. More importantly START

modding. no matter how basic. Then you'll start asking the "right" questions.


3: ok.. this i gotta ask.. what have the others done? What have YOU done since you

suggested this mod? Cuz all I see is you complaining..


4: FYI, The models were formally developed for K1. The screenies you saw were for my

K2 version for the weapons pack. ditto for the armor... Even if they weren't.. it'll take

less than a minute to get them into K1 format...

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Then....how come you didn't say so??!?! Now that we have the first files done, I can PM Canderis! Also, I don't know if you skin/module edit, but The Endar Spire and the Leviathan (hangar section) need to be given a common skin, and we need to put mandalorians in it (preferrably with DC-15s and stuff, but save the Z-6s for the mini-boss guards).

I'll give a 5th? try at modding according to Holowan Labs, But I still find it hard without someone actually telling me as I'm doing it....But I'll try.....

What have I done since I started this mod? Don't ask.............


I've been creating a total readme/walkthrough/WIP in notepad of EVERYTHING about it.

I've been trying to learn how to mod.

I've been waiting for things to get done by you guys

What else could I have been doing? I HAVE been trying to mod.

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Hey everyone,


If you need help with organization,


First you need to determine who is the Leader of the project,


The leader will be the person who will be in charge of the organization, like a master list. This will allow one source or data bank to pull and compare what is done and allow you to shift material during production with the proper version of the module, skin, etc...


Also a must read is:



This help me so much i can not stop and tell you all the ways this kept my project from getting mixed up.



You should have 2-3 master folders,


1) Folder for visuals

--------Sub folders:

------------NPC skins



----------- Party members

------------------Kaila (final or version number)

------------------Uldir v1-3

----------------------Uldir final

------------Major/minor Character skins

------------------Sith Lord v2



2)Folder for modules

---------Sub Folders

--------------Planet A

------------------Module cantina










----------------------Re used Scripts from orig module

----------------------re-skin module

------------------------List the Tga files for the module which you want to change and the tgs files used to replace orig/ or alter to create new re-skin module

-----------------------------Test01 (This is the ver1 of the module- this goes in the over-ride folder


3)Folder for movies/ edit blink files

----------Title or description of each file

----------------Opening crawl v1


This is how my folders are setup, a lot of this comes from the link I posted above.


Also make a list of your globals, and also the names of the modules when they are in game- in notepad or Word.


I hope this helps with the organization.

Once this is setup then it is easier to send files to each other and know that each of you are working on the correct version number of the NPC or module, etc.


I plan later to post how to build these Modules faster. I'm close to have a set formula.


Always remember you are all a team with real lives so always be flexible in your production schedule, and as always the final due date is....


Any questions PM me,


Keep Modding!


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I believe that I'm the leader of the project....

As i said, I'm working on something kinda like that in notepad (typing what the files will be, not having the actual files).

I'm gonna immediately start on making this...

However, we're gonna need some files to go in those folders.........


EDIT: I have now made the massive group of file folders

BrianWee20, can I see the weapon files that you already have done?


Would now be a good time to add another planet to the list?

I've got ideas burning in my head, I've written them down, should I post them?

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Te Mirdala set up a group called Journeymen Protectors. Thats the name of the group. I've also posted my idea for part 4.


BTW, like my reskinned Revan?


I'm leaving Wednesday and won't be back til Friday of next week. I want to see some progress done.

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