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new saber problems


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Ok, so I have a hilt. A curved hilt. In 3ds, I ended up rotating and moving around the blades and I thought it would be all right, but I'm guessing that is where I messed up. I was able to export the saber perfectly, with only the usual sanity error, (the vertex weld sanity check) and I was able to replace the saber perfectly as well. Ingame, its held just right, the way I want it to, but than, I flourished.


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Could it be a caused by me moving around the planes in 3ds? Or, if its not, could you help me in fixing this?

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I would suggest rotating and moving the hilt and leaving the blade planes alone.


In order to get the hilt held just right (although since curved hilts were never meant to be in game, they won't be held as well as a straight hilt can), I ended up rotating the hilt so that it would be held right, and than I rotated the blades. If I just rotated the saber so that it would fit the planes and the base saber hilt model, than there would be some bad clipping issues.



I know I have seen some mods with curved hilts that moved around the blades. I believe there was one or two in the USM, so I'm going to try to export the saber using one of those models, to see if that works.


EDIT: Using a USM hilt worked. It isn't held as nicely as before, but its good enough. :)

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