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Tales Guybrush (retro style)


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I really wasn't that pissed off at him until he started refusing to remove it just because I didn't ask politely, when I really thought I did D: I mean yeah I was a little stern with the "credit me in future!" business but I never insulted the guy.


And then he decides to heavily insult me on PM messages, posting things like "So you go cry in a corner and stop acting like your some king around here just because you posted a pic on a thread and somone used it!!!!!!" and "You act like the British B****** you are!!!!!!"


I would recognise he wasn't being malicious if he wasn't being malicious XD

What I meant was, he wasn't being malicious in the actual act of posting them on his site. If you two have had a conversation over PM then I don't have any way of judging who's being a unfair and who isn't in that area.


And I do believe I have nothing to credit Monkey Mania for other than the idea of making the thing. I did start off editing his version but about a third of the way through I decided to completely scrap it and start anew. So I don't actually have anything of Monkey Mania's in there other than maybe a couple of pixels in the hair but I duno :p


I don't think Monkey Mania thinks he should be credited :confused:

Regardless, do you see the point I'm trying to make? You don't feel Monkey Mania needs to be credited, purple_tentacle didn't feel you needed to be credited, so you can sympathise for him, yes? Put yourself in his position and you can see why he acted defensively; he didn't think he was doing anything wrong.

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Thanks, purple_tentacle_. I really appreciate the effort you're taking to be part of this community, and I'm sure that we can all get along.


I mean, if we can't sort out our differences here, what hope do we have for the wider world?


Thanks again for being so mature. I think that taking short breaks from these forums if you're feeling overly angry is a good idea -- and let me know if you think you're being treated unfairly, and I promise to support you in a fair way.


Thank you Gabez for being pacient this far. I do promise I WILL get along with the other members. Thank you for your time purple_tentacle_

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I'm going to close this thread now, because I think any further discussion will only be centred around who was "right" and who was "wrong" -- which was never the real issue anyway.


Scapetti, please feel free to make a new thread about your retro graphics if you would like to, and if you have more to say on the subject.

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