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More late night tech tree studying

Guest porkins14

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Guest porkins14

After researching the tech tree once again last night, I noticed that I am really excited to oplay with guess who....The gungans!! Their mechs look awesome with their own unique upgrade (creature armor), and the other regular upgrade for mechs, all in all they end up with an extra 35% hit points for mechs. Pretty huge. Then I noticed they have another unique research called creature training, in which their heavy mechs do twice as much damage! I am excited to see this in action.

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Guest Capt. Molo

Stix's song "I've got too much time on my hands" should be your theme song. You stay up late studying GB's tech tree? Sheesh.:duel:

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Guest Darth_Nixon42

Yah, the gunguns look like a great race to play as,


but, after looking at the tech tree, i cant see any particulary crap race???


Maybe they are all a bit to similar? I spose its just the demo, so in tech level 4 things might be different?:confused:


hope so..

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Guest Luke Skywalker

In tech 4 the civs will be alot more diverse with weaknesses and strengths. I thought that too before I saw the tech tree. I was really worried that it would be all to the same.

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Guest Admiral Odin

I always said don't underestimate the Gunguns. For this reason. The Naboo also look interesting. The game gets better and better doesn't it.

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Yes Odin, youre completely right, the game's getting more and more interesting day by day.


You know what I like best? (Besides SW units) That games look like they will actually reach Tech Level 4. I don't like rushes, because then, you don't use all those cool units and buildings from later Tech Levels.

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they're gonna need it....they were slaves to us once and they will be again......:D


i have to agree that this game keeps gettin better as u discover more and more and how that u find that the teams, unlike the age of empires games, are all good and playable.....



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Guest Battledroid 657

:bdroid1: :bdroid1: :bdroid1:

The Trade federation will be so kick ass! and the games take a long time because it aint easy to rush people

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:ewok: everyone underestimates the naboo and gungans but i think theyre ok looking(i even liked Jar Jar)the naboo look cool and so do the gungans(remember ewoks everyone thouht they were just cudley bears but they really killed the imps)everyone give the gungans and naboo a chance.
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Go Empire and trade feds, my two favorite civs they will destroy all and how do u know gungans are so good, have u played them?




oh and only reason ewoks won was because there were half as mant storm troopers as ewoks

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Guest porkins14

"and how do u know gungans are so good, have u played them?"





I dont think anyone says they KNOW the gungans are good man. Everyone is just speculating after reading the tech trees. Thats why this thread has the title it has. Its for people to give comments about which race they like the best after studying the tech tree. Obviously you came to be negative, instead do some research and make educated comments. :)

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Guest WC_heavyarms

Gungans are probably going to be played most often after awhile. They can abuild stuff underwater, giving a HUGE advantage to the user.

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