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Handmaiden's influence always resets


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I'm playing a Dark Side character, and I'm trying to get Handmaiden to the dark side. She's currently at slightly below neutral. Whenever I get influence with her, it shifts her alignment towards Dark Side, and her clothing goes from white to black. However, if I enter a new zone, her alignment resets back to the slightly below neutral level, and she gets her white clothes back. The same thing happens after I save the game after shifting her to the dark side, and then load it, it resets her alignment. It seems the influence doesn't reset, because i can ask her about her mother with Success. It seems like whenever I save the game, it does not save her alignment. I tried using the save game editor, and that seems to work, until the game loads a new area, then her alignment goes right back to below neutral. (Game save editor says 46.) What can I do to get her alignment to stick?!




Vista 64-bit with Vista fix

Q6600 @ 3.3GHz


nVidia 8800 GTS 512

Fully updated sound and video drivers

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Influence in TSL is bugged to hell. There is a mod that claims to fix it (Influence Bug Fix v1.2 by HouseOfAmon), but in my experience it doesn't completely resolve the issues (although it isn't as bad as the vanilla game). You can find it in this mod bundle - http://knightsoftheoldrepublic.filefront.com/file/;77485


Make sure your PC's stats are no greater than 18, as that can adversely affect the influence scripts.

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