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|The Black Empire|PVP|RP|Recruiting Now|


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|█▄▄█▬▬BLACK EMPIRE▬▬█▄▄█|


is currently seeking new members to join it's ranks

Apply Here!



The Black Empire has four Major Units(The Temple, The Army of the Black Empire (TABE), the Academy, and the Office of the Emperor.


The Office of the Emperor


The Emperor is the sovereign ruler of the Black Empire. He exercises command over all aspects within the Empire military and non-military. It is quite common for him to rule through a “Hand of the Emperor” to avoid a public image. In times of struggles the Emperor maintains a very demanding and direct leadership role in which he is personally involved in the decisions of the Empire, rather then just receiving reports from his Hand. Little is known of Galaksi, the current Emperor. Reports of his dealings are rare and sightings even rarer. He appears to enjoy command through a small group of trusted advisers. He is the final approving authority on major guild changes and must sign off on Senior promotions.



Hand of the Emperor acts as the Emperor's right hand man providing enforcement of the Emperors demands, orders and wishes. The Hand commands the Office of the Emperor while maintaining a Senior role providing instruction and guidance from the Emperor


The Master/Captain of the Guard leads the elite guard of the Emperor. Responsible for the protection of the Emperor at all times.


The Black Empire Archivist is responsible for maintaing guild records, information, publishing relevant info, securing secure intel.


The Black Empire Arbiter is responsible for investigating claims of unfairness by Black Empire members, providing arbitration between personnel and when compromises can't be reached advises Higher Command.


The Temple

The Temple of the Black Empire is home to all Sith in TBE. The Temple is commanded by a Sith Lord who acts as the adminstrator and leader of the Temple. He is the Senior member of the Temple and is expected to maintain rule, discipline and a proper organization. He is a close personal adviser to the Emperor and is held responsible for his entire Temple.


Sith new to the Temple of the Black Empire will be accepted as to the rank of Apprentice once a Sith Master has acecepted the Sith for Apprenticeship. Throughout the Apprentice's training he will be trained and later evaluated if he is worthy to become a Sith Knight.


Sith Knight's are the proven and dedicated Sith of the Black Empire Temple. While holding no responsibillity to train or lead they are the Temples primary power and responsible for the sucess of the Black Empire's war against the Jedi.


Sith Masters are the trainers and Senior members of the Temple. Sith Masters are known for their unequaled power and control over the force. A Sith Master is given with all proper respects that the rank requires.



The Army of the Black Empire

The Army of the Black Empire was designed off the common militaristic theme. The Army is commanded by a General who is responsible for maintaing rule, proper organization, and discipline. He is a close personal adviser to the Emperor and is held responsible for his entire Army.


A Sergeant of the Black Empire Army is a fearless, tough and demanding Squad Leader. He holds vast influence over several Soldiers. Much like the Sith Master he sponsors recruits from the Academy and supervises their training to determine if they are worthy of serving as a Soldier in TABE.


The rank of Captain is given to a distinguished Senior Member of the TBEA. He is responsible for maintaining supervision over several Sergeants and is held responsible when mistakes are made. He is an Officer of the Black Empire Army and is given all respects that the rank requires.


The Academy

The Academy of the Black Empire is commanded by the Academy Commander.


The Academy Commander is assisted by a representative from the Temple of the Black Empire and the Army of the Black Empire. The Sith Knight/Sergeant will evaluate each Recruits potential pertaining to the Knights/Sergeants home unit and will provide reports on each Recruit.


All Recruits will go through the two week probation where their maturity, discipline and intelligence will be observed. They will be evaluated to see whether they can be use to the Temple or TBEA. Recruits will remain in the Temple until sponsored by a Sith Master of TABE Sergeant.





The Black Empire

The Black Empire looks to recruit mature, dedicated and loyal members who are looking for a community that will be around for years. The purpose of the Black Empire is to develop a friendly community that will last through SWToR and any future games that are released. For ToR we will focus on RP/PvP and frequently have RP events on our forums. Any additional information you may need can be given on our website or on our forums


-Sith Acolyte Chewsurra

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