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The Clone Wars


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Hey there you guys!

I need some help with music from The Clone Wars game; Republic Heroes...

All of the files i need are .RKV files, now i searched the internet, but couldnt find anything usefull on, how to open it?

I hope you guys have got any clue on how to find .RKV openers, or where to find music from the game (except for the Movie soundtrack, already got that one!).

Please let me know! :)


Thanks all!


*Hope to have posted it on the right forum part*

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I tried opening it with Win-Rar, but it isnt really working...

Any suggestions with programs i could try, because i know few of those kind of programs.


Thanks again! :)


P.s. Hey, Miltiades!

I see you are from Brugge?

I bought a Star-Wars collectable there not so long ago!

It was a nice city too! :)

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P.s. Hey, Miltiades!

I see you are from Brugge?

I bought a Star-Wars collectable there not so long ago!

It was a nice city too! :)

Cool. :thmbup1:


On programs: Programs similar to WinRar are WinZip and 7Zip. Try with any kind of program that plays music (Winamp, Media Player, etc.). You could also try changing the extension from .rkv to .mp3 or something else. Obviously, back-up the files first.

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Well, eh, how am i gonna explain this...

The folder where the Clone Wars is installed contains a few files, all of them are .RKV; so they are no music, they are more like data, so the option of opening it with music players already falls away :(

I will try the Zip-methods tomorow (when i have more time :))

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Okay, Mai give up, maaai give up...

Thanks for the help guys, but it looks i have to wait.

Did some looking-up at the RKV files; there new, so it will take a while before a converter or opener will be here.


Once again thanks ya all! :D

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