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Embeddable video options expansion

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Might I humbly suggest incorporating additional code to expand the options for embedding video?


Modified the [noparse](This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)[/noparse][/font]



High quality (HQ) video:





HD quality video:





If you use it make sure you set the correct type or it will likely look crap. I'll have a look at GameTrailers later and see how their embeds work. Shouldn't be too hard to add I think.

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Cheers. But you know you don't need the whole link right? Just the video ID.


You can use either a full youtube url (for a normal viewing page) or the video ID, for convenience. Figured it was easier for people to be able to just cut and paste the normal URLs from elsewhere, while retaining how embed bbcodes on other forums work as legacy for those who are used to that. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've created a BBcode for GameTrailers.com video embeds now too. Seems to work OK for the most part but I've noticed slightly peculiar behavior with some videos that I haven't been able to figure out the cause for yet. Like with the [noparse][/noparse] tag you can specify the video to embed either by putting a full GT video URL within the tag, or just the video ID, whichever you prefer.



For example, either of these produce the same result:


[noparse](This will be substituted with the proper code by the plugin.)[/noparse]


[noparse](This will be substituted with the proper code by the plugin.)[/noparse]


If anyone has an idea of why some videos end up bigger than the flash box they're played in let me know. :)



(Also disallowed the use of [noparse][/noparse] and [noparse][gametrailers][/noparse] tags in member signatures. Sorry to ruin people's fun but it does add significant amounts of bloat to have videos embedded at the end of every post you make. :p)

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