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JKA Singleplayer holsters

Dark Jedi Han

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Is it possible to create multiple holsters for the singleplayer JKA? As done in OJP Enhanced, but then for JASP? Or is this completely impossible?


If it is possible, can someone make holsters for:


Lightsaber (left side of hips)

Light weapons (Pistol + E11 blaster... Right side of hips)

Heavy weaponry ( From Repeater to concusion rifle. On the back, vertically aligned)

And bombs, detpacks and mines (Under the Heavy weaponry, on the belt)



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Allright, too bad then.


Other than that, can one tweak the gameplay such that you could use an option to improve aiming. With that I mean that you use the "zoom" option for every gun (just like the disruptor), but you don't zoom in at all. The player then locks the gun at his shoulder and not hip like basejka. To change the firetype, the player then pushes another button.

e.g "x" : Change firing mode.



So it would come to this:

Mouse1: Primary fire (as usual, no change)

Mouse2: Aiming stance (for every gun except Disruptor =Zoom.)

"x" : Change firing mode.


Would that be possible? Or does it also require the code ?

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I don't think it is possible to use the zoom of the disruptor. You could check the weapons.dat file and try switching some of the secondary fires around. Try to copy and paste the alt fire of the disruptor and put it on another gun.


If that doesn't work I recall a 'zoom' mod for JO or JA on the jk3files site. That could be an alternative.


As for a button for changing firing modes that won't work without code. Same for different stances depending on which button is used. Most guns use Both_stand3 (from the hip) and the disruptor uses Both_stand4 for the shoulder position.


BTW, here is the upload for Dragon 0.9.2:


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Thanks for the info. I don't really think that messing with the weapons data is a good idea, 'cause I'm sure it'll put the original disruptor zoom to any weapon hehe :)


And thanks a lot for the Dragon tool. First to download it :))


EDIT: If I put the numbers behind the "Both_stand4" line behind "Both_stand3", in the animation.cfg file, does this mean every gun that uses the latter animation will shoot like the disruptor ?


I guess the only way to find it out is to try it out, put it in a . pk3 file and see if it works

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Messing with weapons.dat is fun. If you mess anything up you can easily delete the mod and go back to redo it. It's also silly fun to make conc blast only cost 1 ammo.


No. It simply changes the animation used when firing the gun. Unless that is what you meant.


If you want the character to fire from the shoulder you'll need to change the stance as well as the firing animation. This can be your first animation test. Tip: you don't need to use Dragon for this. Unless you make a new animation.

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Messing with weapons.dat is fun. If you mess anything up you can easily delete the mod and go back to redo it. It's also silly fun to make conc blast only cost 1 ammo.

Hahahah you're right. I've modified a few things, like blaster max ammo ;)

Quite fun.


No. It simply changes the animation used when firing the gun. Unless that is what you meant.

Actually, it doesn't. I've only remarked that the idle leg stances were changed. Instead of being slightly bowed and turned to the side, they're straight and oriented to the same direction as the head (like the legs of an imperial officer, when he puts his hands behind his back.)


If you want the character to fire from the shoulder you'll need to change the stance as well as the firing animation. This can be your first animation test. Tip: you don't need to use Dragon for this. Unless you make a new animation.


Found that out :) I just need to understand all the lines in the animation.cfg file. It's a long way to find what I'm searching (Disruptor shooting stance)



EDIT: I've found a site that explains every animation (unfortunately in MP -- Maybe it's the same for SP?) that JKA uses, from head to death. The disruptor attack is "Both_Attack4", while the Blaster rifle (and any other gun except blaster pistol and stun baton) is "Both_Attack3". Switching the values should do it.

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Can you post a link to the site that explains the animations? I'd like to look over that as well.


Here is how an animation line breaks down:

Using the single saber run as an example


BOTH_RUN2 12331 26 0 40


First there is the name of the animation BOTH_RUN2. You can use this to view the animation in modview and the anim.h table. Viewing this in modview shows me that this is the single saber run forward animation.


Second is the number 12331. This is the starting frame number of the animation. Base JA goes from 0 to 21375. The first new animation you add to the game will have a starting frame of 21376.


Third is the number 26. This is the number of frames in the animation. So the single saber run is a sequence of 26 frames of animation.


Forth is the number 0. This number can only be a 0 or -1. A zero means the animation loops. A -1 means the animation does not loop. So since a run continues to play it gets a 0. Animations like deaths, attacks, and special moves get a -1 since they only play once and then stop. Stances that are a single frame can be either, but I stick with the default value of 0. The easiest way to remember this is that the number 0 is a loop, and the number 1 has a starting point and an ending point.


Last there is the number 40. This is how fast the animation plays. A value of 0 does not make the animation stop, but will slow it down a whole lot. The higher the number the faster the animation plays. If you use a negative value, say -40, it will play the animation backwards at that speed. The most default values are 20 or 40, but depending on how you add or subtract frames to an animation sequence will determine if you need to change the frame speed. The only way to test this is to put the animation in game and play with it. The speed that Dragon says it is using is not 100% correct with JA. At least I don't think so.

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That is the anim.h table they have listed there. It is handy, but has some errors too. For instance there is no run1start and run1stop.


I'd suggest learning from the animation.cfg and double checking with the anim.h table. The anim.h table is handy for identifying the saber animations though.

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Yes that happens with all weapon models, even the sabers. Most sabers you can't tell it, but they too are rotated too much.


What I do is select the hand tag and rotate it with the 'blue' bar -95.00 degrees. That will position the gun fairly correctly for animating. Then when I'm done I rotate it back 95.00 degrees. That way it fires straight ahead.

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I believe you can rotate the weapon any way you like - the firing direction and accuracy is handled by code
Your right Raz0r, but no one wants their gun pointed to the left 90 degrees and shoot forward. So he'll need to rotate the gun in Dragon to get it into correct position for animating, and then rotate it back to default so the gun will point forward.


However: If I want to make an animation for BOTH_ATTACK4 (or 3 for that matter), do I have to count the legs with it? I mean, do I also have to mod the legs? Or does the game only look at the upper part of the body?
The standing idle is a Torso animation, but the firing animation is a Both animation. What this means is that when your character stands still he will use the legs of Both_stand1. When you shoot though the animation will use whatever leg and torso position you make for the firing animation.


At least I think so based off the prefixes. The JA coders may have disabled this. Quick way to tell would be to change the stand1 stance to something with different legs, like the staff stance, and then fire the gun.


I do believe that the JKA Multiplayer sdk has that code, which is written in C++. That is probobly how OJP did the holstering.
You are correct, but this is being discussed for the single player JA game. Mp code won't do us any good here.
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How... can I modify Both_attack4 so that I don't have to mess with the legs? I mean, take the animation and "import" it to Dragon so I can modify the torso only?



EDIT: Hmm. To show you guys where I actually am (or better said, was), I'll post some images. (This stance is the upper torso modification for the pistol shooting stance)







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Good start. Unfortunetly if you want to modify the standard attack4 your best bet will be to start over.


First get the _humanoid.gla file out of assests.

Then go into your Dragon folder and remove or rename the '_JAhumanoid.gla' file.

Drop the _humanoid.gla file into Dragon and rename to _JAhumanoid.gla.

Copy the animation.cfg into Dragon fro easy use.

Run Dragon and find the Both_attack4 animation: BOTH_ATTACK4 1589 6 -1 20

Use the 'impframe' command like this: impframe 1589 6


That will import the attack4 animation into Dragon. If you're going to try modifying a gun fire there is an easier method.

1. make you gun stance, aiming that is.

2. save it then quit Dragon.

3. Open you gun stance and copy everything starting with 'frame 0'.

4. Paste it 2 times and rename the second and third 'frame 0' to 'frame 1' and 'frame 2'.

5. Open Dragon and load the stance. It should now be 3 frames.

6. Go to the middle frame and animate it to how you want the recoil to look.

7. Now go to the first frame and use 'fblend 4'. Then go to the recoil frame and also 'fblend4'.


That will give you a new smooth gun fire animation.

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