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Darth Bane style armor project

Darth Cryptic

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Had an idea last night before bed, one I know I'd be in over my head for; making Bane's living armor for TSL. It would be one part God item (no getting around that, sorry) and one part side quest. I do think how ever I have most of what needs done worked out, I'm just not sure what I have in mind will work.


Images of Bane's armor

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And information from wookiepeedia:



What had always hung me up was the fact that the unequip command would strip it off the person even when the equipment slot was locked, making it impossible to put back on. Then i realized the Disguise command would work, theoretically. You'd either need to make full body disguises for all the Exile heads or if it's possible, just for their bodies and leave the head be like with armor.


On Korriban, in the caves, set up a trigger that when you hit it spawns a cloud of 'bugs' and a cut scene;


"You sense the Darkness within these insects. One lands on you and you feel a burning sensation. You feel alien chemicals rush through your body; and it makes you feel powerful, more in touch with the Force. The bugs seem drawn to you, as if sensing your connection to the Force."


IF the Exile or one of her Jedified party has part of the Force Lightning tree, or T3 is loaded with his shock then the swarm can be fought off. If you don't have that set up, or choose not to fight them, a number of scripts will trigger;

- Unequip script will trigger removing your armor/robes/clothing

-Disguise script will trigger to switch the Exile's appearance to the Bug covered look

- give ability script will give the Exile +5 regen on HP and FP, Also gets the powers Force Rage, Ignore pain, Energy resistance 75%, Electricity vulnerability (if possible)

-script locks the torso equipment slot.

- maybe they gain some DS points as well

- new mask is added to the Workbench create list, using Treat injury as the required skill (not sure what it would grant you besides a cool look)

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Now the Exile can either talk to Kreia about the bugs, which will take a high/successful Treat Injury + Wisdom or Awareness check to realize they're vulnerable to electricity, and might be removable that way, or talk to her about the power they give the Exile. Either way she'd advise caution regarding the bugs.


If you want to remove the bugs, talk to T3 and depending on his influence level, he'll help you by hitting you with the shock arm. Thinking Kreia would also do something similar in the Enclave after the Council chat as part of the Exile's punishment for not getting her vision. This will trigger the following scripts;

- Remove disguise

- unlock torso slot

- removes the various abilities that the armor gave you

- knocks HP and FP down very low to simulate the beating the Exile takes, amount taken will depend on Constitution and Wisdom (Not enough to kill the Exile, maybe 75-80% of both.) with a lingering poison effect

- adds XP and maybe Awareness or something as a "lesson in Pain",

-- maybe leaves one level of Resist pain


As I said, this is all currently out of my skill level, especially the skinning/modeling part, so if a Team or individual wants to pick this up, go for it. Just let me be one of the first to get a copy.

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