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how export models?


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hello to all i am how your say NOOB lol, i have many time playing bf2 and making mods for him really i love it, i made HD clones bla bla and when now i can play RC and his model is totally awesome i would like know how export model in knowed 3d format (3ds, xsi, obj etc) for modify it look like bf2 and putting it in RC again :D but i don't know extract the models


thanks in advance:)

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  HockeyGoalie35 said:
hmm ive seacrched around and there was a few plugins for anim8tor


so you know how ?:D because in animation section i watch the model in perfect same basepose than bf2 clones so envelope and aimation is easy for me the unic problem is extract the model XD really i apreciate you answer and information :D i found wotgreatel and other but don't works :S unreal editor eighter :S

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