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501st Legion casting call: we need grunts and specialists of any kind to join us!

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"We expect great things from you trooper. I am Taun Wee, lead cloner here on Kamino. You are a clone, as you see, your brothers around here look the same as you. You are an ellite unit of clones designated to help the republic against the seperatist droid armies. You will be called to duty once your training is complete. Here are the simple guidlines you need to follow in order to become a trooper."



1. Be nice to your fellow clones. We are all brothers here.


2. Nobody can portray Rex, Fox, cody, or Bly, as those are the clones I will

be pertraying.


3. No rude language!


4. Only four characters per person.


5. This takes place before the battle of Geanosis and will end rite after the

battle of Endor.


6. Have fun!




Name: State his number and nickname.


Age: How old is your clone, a few weeks, a few months, a few years, 5 years, ten years, 20 years?


Rank: Trooper, Private, Sergeant, Luitenant, Major, Captain, Commander


Class: Marines, Pilots, Secret service, Soldier


specialist: Demolitions, mechanic, technition, commando


Battlegroup: Does he serve in Anakin's battlegroup, Obiwan's battlegroup, Yoda's, Mace's, Aala Secura's, Luminara's, Jacano Roush Ablis', ect.


Battalion: Each Jedi has four battalion's in a battlegroup for instance, you should say Skywalker's first, Skywalker's second, skywalker's third, skywalker's fourth. If you are a Captain or a commander, you would lead a battalion


Brigade: there are ten brigades in a Battalion, henceforth you would say Skywalker's first: Brigade 1. If you are a Captain or a commander, you don't have to fill this out. Brigades are led by Luitenants and Majors.


Squad: There are about 60 sqauds per Brigade which have anywhere from 4 to 20 men in them. You only have to fill this out if your character is a Trooper, a Private, or a Sergeant. Sergeants generally lead squads. Just give the name of your squad.


War Story: tell of a time your clone risked his life to save others or did something heroic


Quote: Give us a quote that your trooper said



Name: CC-7567, Rex


Age: Cloned 20 years before Geonosis.


Rank: Captain


Class: Soldier


Specialist: Demolitions


Battlegroup: Anakin's Battlegroup


Battalion: Anakin's Battlegroup: Battalion 1


Brigade: none


Squad: none


War Story: At the rachid Base, Rex, Cody, and Fox were sent to inspect the rachid base where they stopped an advancing droid army. He managed to destroy the base and get out alive with his two assosiates and two other clone troopers. He didn't keep the glory for himslef, but instead gave it to the two rookies who helped.


Quote: "What I remember most about the rise of the Empire, is, how quiet it was. During the waning hours of the war was, Anakin Skywalker's battlegroup was discreatly transfered back to corusaunt. It was a silent trip. We all knew what was about to happen, what we were all about to do. Did we have any doubts, any private traitorous thoughts? Perhaps, but nobody said a word. At least, not on the flight to Corusaunt; not when order 66 was ordered and not when we marched into the Jedi Temple. Not a word!" Captain Rex before Operation: Knightfall.

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Name: Kyr'galaar (Death Hawk).


Age: 13 standard years (27 in Clone years).


Rank: Lieutenant.


Class: ARC Trooper.


Specialist: Demo, Piloting, Heavy Assault.


Battlegroup: None, does any work within the 501st that needs to be done.


Brigade: None.


Squad: None, trained as a one man army and assassin.


War Story: Once piloted a larty on a suicide run into a sep base. Escaped before the crash by using a Jet pack to escape through the crew bay.


Quote: They call me Kyr'galaar. Means Death Hawk in Mando'a. Why did I get that name? Because when I fly I'm usually the last thing you'll ever see.

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Name: CL-0007, Nickname: Joker


Age: 10 Standard years (21 Clone years)


Rank: Captain


Class: Arc trooper


specialist: Demolitions, Heavy Weapons, Larger then average vehicles.


Battle group: Obi-Wan's battle group.


Battalion: Takes order's only from Obi-wan, otherwise work's alone.


Brigade: None.


Squad: None.


War Story: At the first battle of Kamino, he disobeyed order's to save a few Jedi who were about to get surrounded and more then likely killed. When the battle ended, he was about to be executed for "Faulty programing" but his superior's were persuaded not to by the Jedi he saved, which included Obi-Wan who took him into his squad.


Quote: I think all clones would be happier, lived longer, and shoot better if they got the same "Faulty Programing" LIKE ME!

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never mind, you can portray bly.




name:RC-1138 "Boss"


Age: cloned 16 years before Geanosis


Rank: Sergeant


Class: Soldier


Specialist: commando


Battlegroup: doesen't have an official battlegroup, works wherever he is needed


Battalion: None


Brigade: twenty-third Brigade of Republic commando's


Squad: Delta


War Story: He is most known for his work on The Acclimator Frigate Prosecutor which went derrilect. His heroic actions saved the ship and the crew. Its not just him, but also the work of his fellow commrades Sev, Fixer, and Scorch.


Quote: "Now you know we're here. Just for the record, you lizards really need learn that I'm alot scarier than you guys."



I would be much abliged if other guys did the rest of Delta.

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Name: CL-1233


Age: 26 clone years


Rank: Lieutenant


Class: ARC Trooper


Specialist: Demolitions, Stealth


Battlegroup: Yoda's battle group


Battalion: Yoda's first


Brigade: Leader of the second brigade in Yoda's first


Squad: -


War Story: During a mission to Tatooine he elinemated key separatist bases without being noticed. The battle was easily won because of that and he gained Yoda's trust.


Quote: "You know I respect you Jedi but usually you should shoot first and ask questions later."


EDIT: Sorry about that. Corrected.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to delete my first character:ninja2:

I would be much abliged if other guys did the rest of Delta.

I shall do Sev and Scorch then.


Name: RC-1207 "Sev"


Age: cloned 16 years before Geonosis


Rank: Soldier(Commando)


Class: Soldier


Specialist: Sniping,hunting


Battlegroup: -


Battalion: -


Brigade: -


Squad: Delta


War Story: He had a part in every single battle where Delta Squad. He's most important battle was on Kashyyyk where he was captured and probably killed by droids.



Sev: "Damn, I don't believe it!"

Scorch: " What's wrong, Sev?"

Sev: "I lost count of my kills!"





Name: RC-1262 "Scorch"


Age: cloned 16 years before Geonosis


Rank: Soldier(Commando)


Class: Soldier


Specialist: Explosives


Battlegroup: -


Battalion: -


Brigade: -


Squad: Delta


War Story: He had a part in every single battle where Delta Squad. After the squad left Sev to die on Kashyyyk he completely lost his sense of humour and deeply resented Boss, Fixer, and his commanders for leaving him behind.



"The way these droids are swarming, one might think we weren't welcome!"

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