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Star Wars the Clone Wars (Official Thread)

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You really shouldn't judge the series based on your movie opinion. The quality, both animation and story wise are not comparable.


Anyway, here's the trailer of the 2nd season finale. But for some, whatever the series has, it will always be crap or something bad...


That looks awesome! I always wanted to know what happened to Boba Fett between Episode II and Episode IV.

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I don't want to hate it... I wish I didn't see Crap where others see Star Wars Gold... But this show has actually made me less of a Fan :( . Going from a super SW geek to a casual grouch is not a nice transition. I used to be first in queue for all the latest movies novels toys and tie-ins, but I just think TCW is an abomination... Stylistically, story wise, Characters, use of EU, use of G canon, the merchandise, the fact that other things I enjoy like books comics and toys have been canceled to make way for more TCW.


What has been canceled to make way for TCW? A company doesn't make a book or game at a time. If you think the series shouldn't belong to canon, simply ignore it, as many people do.


Honestly, I'm happy for you, that you enjoy this stuff so much you champion it so... Its just really not Star Wars to me.


I respect and understand if people say they don't like it. Not every episode of this series fits and belongs to my personal canon. But what I can't stand is when people can use a good argument to defend their dislike. But what I said was nothing against you. At least, particularly. ;)

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Okay, so last Friday's show was a tribute to the Seven Samurai, which inspired George to make the concept of the Jedi. Most of us Americans quickly related it to the Magnificent Seven, which was a Western version of the Seven Samurai. What do you guys think of the episode?

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