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This may sound a lil strange, but I was looking at the online thingie and it says CarribienPete is online and was replying to this topic, but the reply has come from DePollo, so now I'm a lil confused, where's Pete's reply The same thing happened with the Possible Explaining To Do topic, I'm not making accusations, I'm just a lil confused can someone explain it to me please??





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Oh wait, duh!!!!

Think I found the reason, and I'm kind of ashamed I didn't think of this right away -- I'll kick myself later. When I post here, I use CaribbeanPete's computer -- I spend a lot of time over here, especially on weekends, as I am one of his few remaining friends. So the reason you are seeing both his name and mine is probably because it recognizes the same IP Address even though we have separate usernames.

Hehe, he's in the next room as I type this. I wanted to have him say hi to you all but he ignored me . . . oh well. smile.gif

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So they both have the same IP addresses NFGB? OK assuming DePollo is telling the truth and he was posting at Petes house and it automatically recognized his IP addy, well then once DePollo changed users (from Pete to his name) wouldn't it change on the who's online thingie? I'm a widdle confused still. Forgive me if I still sound a lil suspicious, but there's nothing I hate more than gutless idiots who change names to try and deceive people mad.gif Not that I'm saying you are doing this DePollo, I just can't help but be suspicious coz I know what I saw





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Well, assuming that he's telling the truth, then this could be a scenerio for what's happened...


  1. [*]dePollo comes to the forums using CaribbeanPete's computer.

[*]The forums recognizes him as CaribbeanPete, due to the cookies in the browser.

[*]dePollo reads forums and starts to post a message.

[*]The forum lists CaribbeanPete as being in the posting area, because dePollo has yet to submit his username and password to the forums.

[*]dePollo clicks on the submit button, whereupon the forums now recognize him as dePollo instead of CaribbeanPete, as the act of logging in his username and password has changed the cookie in the browser.

[*]Others who were online prior to dePollo's submitting of his username and password may still see CaribbeanPete as being online, instead of seeing dePollo listed, due to their own browser's cache not having been updated.[/list=a]


Actually, even if dePollo isn't telling the truth, and is really CaribbeanPete, the above scenerio is still possible.. just replace "dePollo, the person" with "CaribbeanPete trying to pretend to be someone else."


Basically, this is how sessions and cookies work for websites. Ain't it a b*tch? tongue.gif




I plan on living forever. So far, so good.

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Yeah I get that, but it happened twice, first it was the topic about the explaining, which I could understand, but it did the same thing with this topic and he hadn't logged out which is why I'm so confused coz I could understanding it automatically doing it with the first post DePollo replied to, but not the 2nd coz then the thingie woulda changed the user from Pete to DePollo.


Maybe you're better off ignoring me coz I know like this much ( ) bout computers





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