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The Rise and Fall of the HK Units

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This is my latest Work in progress.

Its about the Hk units and my story of what happens to them after the events of TSL this is a roughish version and there is sure to be some mistakes


Bare in mind this is only Part 1 of 3 i will post each part on this thread then combine them all for easier use.


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Long after the events of Malacor v the first of the HK units had become nothing more than a memory, a story told by mothers to scare there children to sleep.

Little did any one know he was just waiting, just waiting for the right moment to exact his revenge upon the New Republic.

But that’s a story for another Day.

This is the story of how HK-47 became what he is, why he was exiled and why he wants his revenge.



12 years after Malacor v the Republic is struggling to re-build with war still fresh in so many minds. A Young and Naive Hutt named Ganoka had recently brought a new droid from a traveller unaware of the droids state and programming he foolishly re-activates it.


“Greeting Master,” Said the Droid “It’s a Pleasure to serve you my name is HK-47”

“What are your Functions Droid?” The Hutt Barked


“I am equipped with the knowledge several languages 532 to be exact”


“Your worthless!” Said the smug Hutt “You’ll be scarp by the morning”


“O master please don’t,” Said HK sarcastically “But I would love to see you with a blaster hole in your skull if you tried!”


“Yeah Right,” Said Ganoka “Im Looking forward to seeing you get crushed”

The Hutt made two crucial mistakes. Firstly he insulted HK-47 Secondly He turned his back on the assassin droid.

Within a Spilt second of Turning is back to HK Ganoka was gagged and bound, with great struggle HK lifted the tied up Hutt and took him to the Local factory.

As HK-47 stood above the massive meat grinder he pulled of Ganoka’s Blindfold he said “Master I sure hope that you do not fall and die”


In one swift movement Ganoka Fell into the spinning blades. Straight away HK-47 shut down the last thing he heard for 3 years was Ganoka’s Screams.


HK-47 Spent the next 3 years in the factories storage awaiting his next master.


On the 3rd of March HK-47 was captured when Kan’oka the Hutt brother of Ganoka Raided the Factory for items to sell on the black market. While his Jawa slaves were checking HK-47 for valuables parts one of them accidently Re-activated him.


“Greetings Master,” Said HK “Why Master you certainly are a short one”


“Im Not your Master Droid im here to strip you for parts” said the Jawa


“Unacceptable answer but if you are not my master I’ll have no regrets killing you”


It only took HK a few second to snap there necks but one of them quickly escaped and informs Kan’oka of the new developments.


HK-47 enters the Main Chamber; Kan’oka was surrounded by his Body guards and Bounty Hunters.


“Greeting Master I was just killing the small ones” said HK


“Master hmmm I like the sound of that,” Said the Hutt “Tell me Droid what’s your name and functions”


“Im am HK-47 assassin droid build by Darth Revan”


“Are you any good at Killing?” Said Kan’oka


“Why Master you insult me,” Said HK “Warning: Master my Rage levels are high my I return to killing the small ones?”


“Wait my new Friend I would like to ‘Test’ your abilities”


“Why Master I would be trilled name the person and you’ll have his head”


“I would like you to eliminate the whole House of Ramos”


A great laughter swept over Kan’okas many guest, bounty hunters and servants’ after a few minutes of laughter HK said “It will be done”


HK turned around and left the room the famous bounty hunter

Milo Nord said “Kan’oka do you really think this droid can kill the biggest house on Sleheyron?”



“Of Course not but it would be fun to see it try Hahahaha” He bellowed


The Room Filled with laughter again as Milo slipped back into the Backroom

HK-47 Arrived at the main door of the House of Ramos inside several of the Biggest Lords of Sleheyron were inside discussing plans to deliver illegal spices to Taris, HK banged on the door 6 times before saying.


“Let me in Meat bags I have a blaster with your name on it”


“Volama Deal with this unexpected guest” Said Agno Ramos


“With Pleasure” replied the bounty hunter




Before Volama could finish his sentence HK lodge a Gamorean Axe in his groin


“Volama Have you dealt with him yet?” Shouted Hanno Ramos


“No he hasn’t,” Replied HK “But im about to deal with you”



HK-47 was like lightning Mercenaries and Bounty Hunters seemed to come by the thousands but HK still cut them all down and one by one snapped the necks of each Hutt leaving only the leader of the Ramos house left.


“Why... Why are you doing this? Why have you done this?” Said the Scared Leader


“Because my master Kan’oka has asked me to eliminate the whole Ramos family”


But... why would my son do this to me?”


“Your Son?” Said a Shocked HK


“Does this mean you’ll let me live?”


HK turns around and goes into a deep thought process before saying


“Not on your life Meat Bag”


He rapidly turns around picking up one of the mercenaries’ sword and shoving it into the Hutt’s neck. HK turned around and left. He arrives back at Kan’okas Palace with a bag on his shoulders


“Mission Nearly Complete Master only one Hutt left to kill”


“What.....” Said a completely shocked Kan’oka


“Yes I have nearly completed my mission master”


HK takes the bag off his shoulders and tips the content onto the floor


“Father,” Said Kan’oka “No it can’t be true”


“Yes and now you will join him”


“But... you can’t... your programming wont let you!”


“That Function has been non-existent since my last master Ganoka foolishly and accidently De-activated that part of my programming”


“So... your the bastard that killed my Baby Brother”


“Than you should be thanking me, when im done you can see him again”


HK shoot one of the Gamorean charging him and Took his Double bladed axe and Cut off the head of 3 Biths in one swift movement. HK-47 then picked up a dagger and threw it at Ganoka. The Hutt (like all Hutt’s) was too big and fat to move out of the way so the dagger got him straight between the eyes. Once again HK immediately shut down.


A Jawa approaches HK looking for parts to steal but the bounty hunter Milo Nord shoots the Jawa and Loads HK onto his land speeder. Milo sold HK to a merchant named Irena Nomad who took the droid and sold it to a high ranking Politician named Gordon Brown who later reactivated the droid and used it to kill off other Politicians and soon became councillor and lead the republic into what he calls the “New Republic”. HK had completely forgotten his previous masters due to a memory core wipe that was until...




“HK could you come in here a minute” Said Gordon Brown


“Yes Master what is it you wish of me?”


“What do I ever want of you HK?”


“For me to exterminate all who appose you my Lord”


“That’s right you’ve learned HK, but I need you to do something special for me”


“What is it you wish of me Master?”


“My Men seemed to have discovered a strange base on Telos and as soon as they enter we lose all communications”


“I will Investigate At once master”


HK-47 Set out that day unaware that this mission would change his life for ever.



I put gaps in between most lines as i think its easier to read the Dialogue that way


Feed Back please


Part 2 should be finished by april at the latest and that finishes Book 1

Then Book two will catch up to present day {the Bit at the begining}


sorry about any spelling or grammer mistakes but dont just comment on that

I will have fixed most of them and update them in the finished version



Feed Back please

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