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the exploits of canderous ordo

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"you wanna hear about my battles? you do not look the type mordechai. but sure. i'll humor you. i remember the first battle we had with revan. it was serroco. the city of drekk ,in the odai region, was our staging point. thlingit lazer cannons shot at our basalisk war droids, which you have already experienced." said canderous. he was speaking of our assault of the sith military base on gordia. the cannons barely scratched the hull. " the cannons were nothing. a landing point though..........a bit of thinking was involved there. we dropped ionite bombs on the buildings in the civil district, creating glass craters. the capital of sterob was nothing but on giant glass crater. which reminds me of our exploits on the star forge. a tale i shall tell you after you deal with those vanguard fighters.

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exoduz i think right now you have about 6 fan fics all the same length chapter


I do not want to come off looking like the bad guy thats targeting you but i suggest you Create more to a Fic before publishing it,


As of now im working on a Fic and i dont plan to post anything til its at least half done


Just some Friendly Advice

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