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Changing Module Textures


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Is it possible to change the texture of a module by a script function or whatever method possible. I'm wondering if I can do something similar to the square puzzle in the lower level of the Temple of the Ancients on the Unknown World. If you would step on a square, it should change from orange to I want to say blue?

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Well...looking at the way they probably did it, and I'm no expert on scripting..it looks as if they created floor tile placeables...and thru scripting changed/animated those individual placeables with their k_punk_floor scripts...I do not think it is possible to change the actual room model floor thru scripting though.

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That's fine but just so that I know how they did it:


1. Make a placeable/tile

2. Make a trigger the size of the tile as well as on top of it

3. Make a script to remove the tile and replace it with a different tile when the pc enters the trigger and visa versa


Is that how they did it?

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Kind of...looking at the rim file for unk_m44ab..they created floor panel placeables..floor panel triggers..and I looking at a couple of the decompiled scripts, they played animations rather than replacing when entering the trigger..animations 200 and 201..but in animations 2da, there is no clear name only 'code'...but, if I was doing it I would probably end up attempting what you stated..destroying the placeable and replacing.

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