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I can`t find the SWG in stores!


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Hello Everyone!

I`m a fun of Star Wars saga and I played the trial game of star wars galaxies.I want to buy the game but in my country no one of the stores (Internet or otherwise)has the game!Why the game is not selling in Greece any more I don`t know!

I m very dissapointed.

I tried to buy via internet stores in Europe but I haven't visa or other bank-cards!

Do you know any internet store to buy it with PaySafeCard?Or DAO PAY?

Please tell me......:confused:

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Thank you DarthJacen....

But one request....

What servers has good with many people?

what do you saggest?


Chilastra, although, you can have eight characters on several different servers. Since you're from Europe, I would suggest a European server.

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